img The Alpha’s Arranged Bride  /  Chapter 3 Knight in shining armour | 7.89%
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Chapter 3 Knight in shining armour

Word Count: 1206    |    Released on: 25/04/2024


my body felt heavy, the world was rotating and cold sweats began to break out of my skin. I blinked furi

wasn't comprehending anything else he was saying, it sounded far

y drink, anything at all to dwindle the confusion I was

anything at all. I was far from comfortable

as he towered over me before gently lying himself above my figure. I shivered an

do I get in return? Side hugs and constant friend zoning." Caleb s

dy I could move. Why will Caleb hurt me because I was passively rejecting h

ventilating one and I shut my eyes sharply, tear

ists and achieve enormous heights together.. so don't ruin this okay?" His large palms cupped my fa

was saying, I could hear him, but nothing

d exposing the black bra beneath it. The cool air of his apartment blew o

but think of my mom, her beautiful smile and worried face before I left. And my instincts, th

ng to have hi

oing to

ading was all I could muster. T

did to my drink had rendered me still. A single tear trickled d

. Greedily, he ripped what was left of my dress off my body. I whimpered helplessly, I look

ully made me close my eyes. If this was my fate then I didn't want to watch it happen. My eyes were shut painfully, I tried to ignore my sense of to

ud of peace that came over me until painful

the he

ut of dizziness to cloud me, I shut it back immediat

ght of earlier. I could now make up figures. And this time, there were too. I shuddered and re-curled into

emained against the wall, groaning from being thrown harshly. He lo

wide and large. I blinked and watched, things were taking faster turns and my brain was fi

held up in a bun wasn't stopping. He appeared to be my knight in glistening anchor.. no, it wasn't called that, a knight in shi

he couldn't make out any coherent words but he seemed to

yone else for that matter. Who I am h

so that I missed the sound of the last pun

his features because my sight was not sharp coupled with the dark atmosphere o

my cheeks where my tears had stuck and swore under his breath. He then cast hi

into mine as I clung to the wa

and once again his voice soothed me into s

to rub gentle circles ov

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