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Chapter 5 Elia's Burden: Confronting The Unknown

Word Count: 1426    |    Released on: 31/03/2024

already dead," the head of the

use, I asked the owner of the house, she was very sad, she told me that her baby had

covered that that family only had one daughter. And that family was celebrating the funeral, the owner of the house was crying so sadly. S

hope that had arisen in his heart fell sharpl

s it I

e to negotiate with her personally and make up for it. The reason why he sent the secretary

been devastated by the rain. Asier couldn't believe it and sent his chief bodyguard to check on her. H

e somber atmosphere of the funeral was very oppressive wit

en's rooms were closed, they were probably already sleeping, Rosalinda

Did they fire you?” Rosalinda,

last late into the night? It was still

respond with some hesitation: “No, I asked

at home and feed, don't you realize the situation at home? How can you gi

ing, I fear there may be problems.” Elia could n

an unfortunate daughter, how can you be so careless? You're worse than the pig I raised before! My dear pig was also crushed by t

e sow would have little piglets so that she could continue raising them. But unfortunately, the heavy ra

redibly sad and decided to give th

“Mom, don't be angry. Today I only worked half a day, but I earned what I normally earn in a month. Could you check your bank card to see if you have received a transfer of more

how hard or exhausting it is, you cannot sacrifice your dignity

already made that much money? Where the he

sold a bottle of red wine for twenty thousand, and I earned a commission of one thousand doll

her mistake and, therefore, did not apologize. “If you are so good at selling, why don't you continue doing it? Isn't

one very important from Capital. I apologized, but it was of no use, I'm afraid he's coming to ta

se days it was difficult to make money, how could she no

didn't want her daughter to take risks for money. In Capital there were many rich people, peo

rstood those t

en, I have to go out for a while.” Rosalinda carefully put

so late?” Elia wa

reful yourself.” Rosalinda spoke firmly,

paring to open the door and check on her four children, but she thought th

not to go in and take a shower. But what she didn't kno

l and Joel, who had heard the conv

yes shone, they gathered together

cared and doesn't even dare to go out after hearin

werful? Our mother is so sweet and beautiful,

ually very affectionate, but he was a child who did feel. He took his tablet from the drawer o

this is Asie

reen there appeared a man in an elegant suit, h

, the main CEO of the first noble family. Griera Group. People call him the cold-fac

no wonder mom is so

to apologize, to see if we can get

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