img The Billionaire's Deadline  /  Chapter 5 The Money | 26.32%
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Chapter 5 The Money

Word Count: 1893    |    Released on: 04/02/2024


ne. “Pardon?! A b

money in public,” Sandra said, sipping her water and s

... There’s no w

ll your mother?” S

e. “You’ll find there are some th

ts to the contrary

tch, but she wasn’t. She was betraye

er in check. “If Mother promised you a billio

oming from,” Sandra said. “Just that

ngsley Foundati


e is, but fine. I’ll play. So, I suppose a

s doable,”

uld like you to join me for his yachting party this weekend,” I explained. “W

places,” San

ng Kingsley Manufacturing and dealing with your father’s death.

ust star


p of water. “But that fell away when I could no longer be a donor. Everything Kingsl

right, we can do some chari

a’s eyes flashed. “I wou

ghed. “There’s nothing boring

ed with her silverware and looked in the direction

not a bad man. I’m a busy man. That’s all. Just because I

my answer. “I’ll have my assistant look through my invitations and

holding hers, and I was glad she hadn’t p

es on the back of her hand. “So

begrudgingly. “I will

en have fun,”

on occasion,” S

do have a sense o

ave time.” Sandra ga

rtbeat I didn’t want to examine. My throat went dr

sn’t tall by model standards. But the black so black it had a bluish sheen of her hair and the lavender eyes, the alabaster

dn’t want to give her up after six months? Wou

ra whispered as the wa

ghts with this woman while we were married. I was starting to think I wasn’t

asked. She didn’t comment on the fact

inking,” I admitted. I sighed. “I supp

tion?” Sandra’

A man has needs. Six months is a long time,

se as long as the press doesn't get wind

as with my w

med a small O of s

you may have heard me say on the phone. I’d rather forego any

h me?” Sandra parsed out

hard to beli

expressions in the span of a few mome

punch whoever made her think she was

live on or do with as you please if we have sex at least five time

dollars?” Sa


mes,” Sandra

five days


you go more than once in a sessi

but I took her chin and turned her back

mured, kissing her hand, then holding it betw

wedding?” S

re moving in with me,” I decided. I don’t know when I decided it,

eeks were flushed, making her look like a

ys put my best offer

. I mean, I have a s

e?” I

oulder of her dress down just enough for

nly not enough to decrease your valu

back up. “Five billion,”

n put it in wr

eason why not. I could put five billion do


act. I believe one should be able to know what t

k was already hard. I was glad th

unconvinced, but

f time to conv



h Blake

good in cancer research when I was gone. I’d had an IUD put in for hormonal reasons

any STDs, but even if he did, so what? It

r occurred to me. I didn’t consider myself particularly attractive, and

ments before the end. That would hardly be fair t

reeing to have sex

on dollars, I

ess move I’d ever made. After my n

appy couple. The whole time, I barely tasted my food. I wa

been a blip on my radar, and no

g to take good care of you,” Blake whi

Cheesecake. My favorite. And I couldn’t bring myself to eat it, because if I at

ently, worth fiv

into my cheesecake and held

ened my mouth a

lake got anoth

ake’s chocolate mousse confection were completely gone, Blak

ke said after s

. I just couldn’t believe what was about to ha

on my back and gently nu

lion dollars, I rehearsed to

up at my hips and his fingers were just shy of my underwear. I glanced, scandal

just the same…” Blake pressed a

ack of a town car?” I gasped when one finger dal

neck. “But I do want to get you r

Relax f

ip of fabric that covered my seam. He pressed


ng my

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