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The Mafia's Virgin Princess

The Mafia's Virgin Princess

Author: Sylvester O
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Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1052    |    Released on: 31/01/2024

t of my favorite seasons for I would always feel cold no matter what I do or wear. I also won't be able to ha

get a cup of tea to help keep my body warm. As if winter wasn't enoug

ut getting a cup of tea for mysel

utside and buy me a loaf of

already dark out

way from here. Just grab a coat, and you will be fine. Hurry, dinn

e to get my coat. Being honest, if mother was my age mate, talk more of m

le misunderstanding or disagreement; but it's mostly mother's fault. Morgana isn't someone to accept h

tted the head of my baby cat one more time, before i grumpily went out of the

n't properly covered, and as a result of

ce I am back home, I will lay on my bed and bury myself under

ed not standing up to my mum, a

er go out under this weather, and at such an

ickened my pace and forced myself not to think ab

récised. I didn't really pay attention to it, as I was already in quite a b

d the men were sitting in the dark ally. I instantly began to regret not going back once again.

g out here at this time of the night?", One of the gu

even faster than before. I was really nervous right then, and besides there

man said as he approached me and drag

I yelled in anger and fear; but

the scream off my mouth; he pulled me cl

into the dark alley, and the three of

e she would really taste nice", another ma

this animals, but they were completely adamant. The fi

yelled as a big slap landed on my face, makin

ared for I didn't know how things ended up this way. I couldn't help but whimper a

out that sweetheart", the first guy said as he di

ns and a pair of expensive shoes. He was also wearing a gold watch and necklace. I also saw some of the tattoos that was drawn on his hands and neck. He wa

and right now I was really tensed. I crawled to him on m

strange man. The strange man furrowed his eyebrows at the thugs. It

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