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Reading History

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1007    |    Released on: 17/01/2024


an injection months ago. I coughed, feeling an acute pain in my

nothing. Get her ready for tonight,” a voice instructed. It sounded

red, my Lord,” another

he door. I tried to force my eyes open

to tell the time. Aside from a couch not too far from the bed I was sprawled on, there was nothing in the chamber. They painted the wa

me to the bed. My eyes immediately went to my clothes, and I let out a breath o

urse. I slowly rose from the bed, feeling d

was unlocked. Without a moment of hesitation, I opened the door and tipt

he ridiculously lengthy hall until I got to the stairs. I climbed down only to freeze midway when I heard nois

was. I bolted for the door as fast as I could. It was a good thing

me I was awake, it was late at night when I had just

me, but I didn't stop. I tug

p th

d through me the minute the bullet grazed my left leg. It only stopped me for a moment.

e ground. The bullet didn't scratch my body

footsteps got nearer. Tears streamed down my face at the

They placed their hands und

d with my good leg, ignoring the s

they effortlessly dragged me bac

u motherfuckers! I will have

em said a word as they continu

t m

ding by the door was the same pervert from the store, the same man who claimed to help me.

hocked to see me. It was funny how that could be when he ju

m. “Why can't you just stay on your own? What

ooking perplex

ou pretendin

hurt me last night. He, too, was putting on a suit—a green one that

rl I got from the auction yesterday. A virgin


ard sounds while I wa

with blood. I was losing a lot from the gunshot wound, but

” He demanded, focusing on the ot

n. What else will I do wi

ody! Disgusting piece of shit!” I tried to get the

w d

ll bu

ith the man who bought me, both

from you. Just n

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