img LOVE YOU, UNCLE!  /  Chapter 4 LYU 4 | 4.71%
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Chapter 4 LYU 4

Word Count: 2365    |    Released on: 13/01/2024

show the slightest hint of interest. Since he arrived, the chubby-cheeked gu

y, who were playing billiards at one of their favorite cafes. Randy thought, rather than rushing home, which wou

so crumpled since you got here," Darwin commente

ard sticks she was holding, also joined Darwin in resp

about a girl. Like you d

ering directly, he took something out

in trouble wi

Randy had just said. On the other hand, he was also puzzled as to w

asn't a playboy who liked changing partners. More


os, r

t whose mon

n, why are you showing me phot

of potential wives m

ranged to


you sus

happened to his cousin. But after learning that Randy was feeling down because of an arranged marriage,

nt through back then. You'll know how uncomfortable it

l me you regret it?" Randy retorted with narrowed eyes. If Darwin were to say he regr

being arranged to marry. But now I'm

l feel the same way later, Ran," Ken

of the candidates me

rwin's hand. She looked at each of the g

alites, right?" Kennedy said, while scanning the figures in the photos she was looking at. "And the last one,

She's the daughter o

last photo Kennedy was holding. "Could it be that she's Mario A

w could he know and remember who

roughly. I only had the task of meeting and getti

d t


ny of them catch your heart?" Darwin asked irritably. Randy couldn

of them fits my id

r parents' wealth, right?" Darwin guessed, as if he knew the h

lity. Until recently, he corre

's daughter. While everyone else is busy flaunting and showing off this and that, Gh

're not handsome and

there's something about me, Win. Besides, just so you know, she even c

They couldn't imagine Randy's face when the

ing to hear that there was a girl who wasn't the

laughing. "You should match up with someone like you, a playgirl, for fairness. It won't be suitable for t

in's statement. "You're too chaotic f

Instead of offering support, they were busy tea

the cool guy, to marry girls who

e is hot, your child will be like a

ater dis

are typically found

a fellow playgirl, our child w

me to discuss anything with Randy and Kennedy. Both of them were not the mos

andy suddenly said, making Darwin and Kennedy both raise questioning eyebrows.

oked beautiful, but the other two criteria were not present in her. Even from her photo, it was evident that Ghea had a slig

to, she doesn't meet your criteria. Even her age is a teenager, and I'

ontrol her in the future. And even if we do get married, I'll still be the dominant one in the marriage. It's different

e in a marriage and easily control his wife, he should choose a much younger partner. Bes

you sure about getting

u? Did you fall in love with y

him. "Love is not a big deal, Win. We'll see how it goes. The point is, if we don't get along in th

through all the trouble, you m

he appeared to sigh as if he

lier, Win. Ghea isn't the least bit interested in me

y to win

I don't

art, just take the lesso

ut realized that Kennedy, who was known for speak


en which woman is suitabl

ange in the company's leadership this year, Verona needed to convince Randy to get married quickly. Otherwise

more time to

he kept overthinking and delaying, nothing would come of it. "As I said before, if you don't agree with

ithin minutes. But when it came to a life partner, as his mother wanted, it was ce

potential wife. Especially since she would be the futur

, there is one who has caught my attention. An

reviously shown turned into a wide smile. Immediately, she

would be a suitable da

e had kept in the drawer. He pulled

om. I want t

ndy had handed her. She looked at it

choice is

t class. Before heading home, Denisa intercepte

you o

ked up, furrowing her brow. She couldn't remem

h money? I can't

. "It's a story debt. It's about your bli


a was referring to the blind date she had with th

u need me t

hen you met Randy? He's kno

out him?" Ghea casually quipped. For heaven's sake, from the mom

ling a guy like Randy old?

'? That's just weird. As for the blind date, it was nothing special. Neith

wo won't g

'm not going to mar

d up liking him. Exaggeration isn't goo

e. Anyway, I'm going home; it's already

a behind. Moreover, if she lingered with

s she arrived and entered her house, she saw her father receiving guests. Even

meet Dad's friends. They came

d what her father's friends wanted

ant to me

t's why c

lazily to approach her father and mot

uce each other; they'v

d. There was one person she seemed to recognize, and now he was looking

ncle Rand



Chapter 1 LYU 1 Chapter 2 LYU 2 Chapter 3 LYU 3 Chapter 4 LYU 4 Chapter 5 LYU 5 Chapter 6 LYU 6
Chapter 7 LYU 7
Chapter 8 LYU 8
Chapter 9 LYU 9
Chapter 10 LYU 10
Chapter 11 LYU 11
Chapter 12 LYU 12
Chapter 13 LYU 13
Chapter 14 LYU 14
Chapter 15 LYU 15
Chapter 16 LYU 16
Chapter 17 LYU 17
Chapter 18 LYU 18
Chapter 19 LYU 19
Chapter 20 LYU 20
Chapter 21 LYU 21
Chapter 22 LYU 22
Chapter 23 LYU 23
Chapter 24 LYU 24
Chapter 25 LYU 25
Chapter 26 LYU 26
Chapter 27 LYU 27
Chapter 28 LYU 28
Chapter 29 LYU 29
Chapter 30 LYU 30
Chapter 31 LYU 31
Chapter 32 LYU 32
Chapter 33 LYU 33
Chapter 34 LYU 34
Chapter 35 LYU 35
Chapter 36 LYU 36
Chapter 37 LYU 37
Chapter 38 LYU 38
Chapter 39 LYU 39
Chapter 40 LYU 40
Chapter 41 LYU 41
Chapter 42 LYU 42
Chapter 43 LYU 43
Chapter 44 LYU 44
Chapter 45 LYU 45
Chapter 46 LYU 46
Chapter 47 LYU 47
Chapter 48 LYU 48
Chapter 49 LYU 49
Chapter 50 LYU 50
Chapter 51 LYU 51
Chapter 52 LYU 52
Chapter 53 LYU 53
Chapter 54 LYU 54
Chapter 55 LYU 55
Chapter 56 LYU 56
Chapter 57 LYU 57
Chapter 58 LYU 58
Chapter 59 LYU 59
Chapter 60 LYU 60
Chapter 61 LYU 61
Chapter 62 LYU 62
Chapter 63 LYU 63
Chapter 64 LYU 64
Chapter 65 LYU 65
Chapter 66 LYU 66
Chapter 67 LYU 67
Chapter 68 LYU 68
Chapter 69 LYU 69
Chapter 70 LYU 70
Chapter 71 LYU 71
Chapter 72 LYU 72
Chapter 73 LYU 73
Chapter 74 LYU 74
Chapter 75 LYU 75
Chapter 76 LYU 76
Chapter 77 LYU 77
Chapter 78 LYU 78
Chapter 79 LYU 79
Chapter 80 LYU 80
Chapter 81 LYU 81
Chapter 82 LYU 82
Chapter 83 LYU 83
Chapter 84 LYU 84
Chapter 85 LYU 85
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