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Chapter 2 Can't Believe She's a Thief

Word Count: 1053    |    Released on: 25/12/2023

he wore oversized shades over her fair and delicate-looking face, and her slightly raised chin set off her long and slender neck. In her hand, a beige su

r knocking into you.”By the time the two of them went their own ways, the phone was already in Olivia’s hands. After that, she looked back at the guy, raising her brows as she smiled slightly.As it so happened, this scene was witnessed by Eugene Nolan, who had just gotten off the plane. The man had a slender body and a cold, handsome face. Moreover, his entire body gave off a sense of dignity that was unparalleled.Upon witnessing the scene, he frowned slightly. I can’t believe such a beautiful woman would turn out to be a thief.He found himself feeling slightly disappointed, but he did not plan to interfere in the matter.At that moment, his assistant, Curtis Wood, took the luggage out of his hands. “President Nolan, did you manage to find that genius doctor?”Eugene rubbed at his temples tiredly. “We were one step too late. I heard the doctor returned to Criecia today. Please get somebody to investigate it quickly.”Curtis hurriedly lowered his head. “I’m sorry, President Nolan. There seems to be a high-leveled individual who has been helping the genius doctor hide her identity. Aside from figuring out that the genius doctor’s name is Skye Bailey, we can’t even figure out whether the genius doctor is a male or a female.”Eugene became impatient. “Enough. Go to the hackers’ community and look for Wily doctor for me; Grandpa’s condition cannot afford any more delays.”After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the airport.At that moment, Olivia walked out of the restroom followed by the girl, who had lost her phone during the incident just now.“Thank you so much!”“It’s nothing. Hold onto your phone carefully and don’t lose it again.”At the same time, Nathan was questioning the little boy sitting on the luggage, “What’s your plans for tomorrow? Will your mom go and treat my great-grandpa tomorrow?”North shook his head. “Nope. Mommy is going for an interview tomorrow.”“An inte

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