img I Fell In Love With My Father's Murderer  /  Chapter 1 CH 1 | 2.44%
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I Fell In Love With My Father's Murderer

I Fell In Love With My Father's Murderer

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Chapter 1 CH 1

Word Count: 1063    |    Released on: 15/12/2023


send a search party” Andy, my roomm

uy. We are way closer than some fem

ag on the table in our living

” I whi

r in front of my eyes, I snatche

choke!” He scolds me but

the twinkling of an eye and

are at me silently for a f

long? I was beginn


a long


red my

I ran into a bloody man” I gasp qui

bloody men, I promised him I won’t

missy, don’t tell me you ran into some trou

oulder with

rse in fr

id you run into

mouth and s

you mean



him I won’t

d away from my mou

f he sees you outside again and do something bad to you? An

is dif

used and glared at me.

this go, it’s best if

g” he raise

I met him… He was bleeding so much, I just couldn’t leave him

he first thought that came in your head

ower lip and bli

nce wouldn’

icked my forehead, I hi

hat for?”

ss don’t land you i

and win

ys to

ls loudly and I grab the hem

” I give him my c

sement before he shak

and freshen up, I

p and flung my b

five!” I dashe

eat… Andy’s cook



and saw my righ

where he parked my car, I got into

should we call Anika to c

someone wra

or her? Do we need to t

hand and s

. I didn’t


female” I

her?” I can hear the

look ahead, I tapp

I told th


arm to have

r? Aren’t you afraid we


: don’t let others see us w

’t say


n’t say

you kn


ay, he knows not t


house with Chris foll

s chorused whe

d head towards t

mbushed you have been

I hu

im up waiting f

to take a shower. Standing in front of the mirror inside

e her face clearly, but I captured her eyes and scent

my closet, take out a shirt and pan

uld I take

d he led


” Chris poi

d observe him… he doesn’t seem like

sent you?!

nd stares at me…

you, who sent you?

me! I won’t

pocket, since he’s asking for

my time on p

ethink your decisi

s. “You won’t get

is statement before I los

oys clean t


gun back in

let’s pay som


now soon!

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