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Chapter 2 Father And Son

Word Count: 772    |    Released on: 24/11/2023

is little face resembling Edward's had the calmness beyond his years and the lit

sed to were military related things, so he knew this rule well. This was his father. Was he l

atted next to Justin and whispered. So was this his son? It s

own name." Justin looked annoyi

" The little boy looked at him in such a way that Edward would fe

onceal it from him all his life. His anger faded. Who c

w that I'm

was a little bit tired. He had come here early in the morning

erested in how Daisy Ouyang became a military officer. Was there anything he didn't know? At this mome

" Justin expressed earnestly, still with that cool expression on his

his one-night-only wife. She had never contacted him and he had forgotten all about her existence. He even left the next morning after they got married. All he had done was demanding his

a bit straightforward with his daddy. Although his mommy told him that there were reasons why his da

looked at his angry and sarcastic face, he couldn't hel

dn't bother to see you." Justin was angry because every time he showed up with diffe

arming smile that can attract countless beautie

w himself into the soft sofa. After all, he w

at his watch. His every action seemed so elegant an

" Edward Mu picked up his coat from the chair

even give him the opportunity to say no and ran away. Although, he must admit that the b

would dare to ignore him again after three months. Edwa

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