img Only You In My Love  /  Chapter 4 How Dare You Set Me Up | 80.00%
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Chapter 4 How Dare You Set Me Up

Word Count: 1415    |    Released on: 24/11/2023

would sign it or n

hat no woman in the world deserved

ow that he had a

o. I have to go now." Nina ma

But when she thought that she could be single again and didn'

, she could find a

orce agreement in his hand and asked, "Mr. Sam,

Mr. Sam sai

to get a daughter-in-law

eement..." Give it

wd look flashed through his eyes. "You find a place

r forgetting something b

. Jake understood

th a cunning lo

s youngest son on when he came back. However, he didn't ex


made him

while driving, "Mr. John, are you okay? Do

cold voice, "fo

a little annoyed, but he ju

corner, they ent

on the turn signal. In case of any emerge

ed, a figure suddenly ap

He honked and tried


happiness of being single, suddenly raise her head. A May

r feet as if they we

beat fast and her eyes were wide op

l moment, Henry

s a burning smell

car and Nina. If the car was stopped half a s

ter being frightened, she lost her balance and

suffering fr

the car. They both rushed forward du

eel and quickly steadied h

aned against the back of the chair

John's eyebrows were not less than those on h

Henry felt a chil

his boss and accidents occurred

itted his teeth and explained, "a woman r

d his clothes and glanced at the woman lying on the ground in fr


ay and ordered

ouldn't he ask about

John had always

rtant for Henry

teering wheel and

ted to leave, she thought of what she had suffered la

ina quickly stood up and stretch

hn closed his eyes then opened with a

car." Henry explained qui

he car and knocked on the window. After the window was rol

e looked like a ghost who came to ask for payment of debt

" Henry swallo

t want to ridicule hi

ars, revealing her whole face. Then she stretched o

to the

n't taken a taxi yet a

ked at the sig

his Mrs

ad to look at Mr. John, only to fin

and her amber pupils were shining with tears. Her p

s always in good mood when he saw the

fate made them m

know if it was

t. Thought about this, the smile

ade her likely to pay twenty million. She w

ly, she asked, "uncle,

ed expre

s for the last night, it was unlucky enough for her to

ight, and now he even wante

her kiddy just now, and he was already thirty years old. There were three childr

There were countless people chasing after him because of his statu

so eager t

id that he w

d alread

want to sa

ade he

he i

fortunately, he turned out to be

e hospital by herself. It was just a l

didn't she l


on a serious look. He opened the door

lt a sense of condescending pressur

t him. Her cold eyes were not as kind a

faint smile, "kiddy, tell me, who

nged his voice with i

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