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Chapter 5 I See

Word Count: 1232    |    Released on: 18/11/2023

ver dare to do it again !" Renz

red and swollen face and the wounds on her arm and said, "those two bastards de

weak voice came from behind. But York didn't listen to i

teeth with hatred. It must be planned by that annoying man. It turned out that his best friend Samuel, who had grown up together with

smile and said, "You will know as long as you go. Don't blame me for not remi

Samuel had been good friends since childhood. In fact, York knew Samuel very well and knew he was good at hitting on girls. He was known for being fast

range about him. As expected, when York arrived here, he happened to see Leona running in a hurry. He immediately realized

st, York did not agree with Samuel's behavior. Although Samuel successfully narrowed the distance between him and Leona, York still wanted to

rther infection and forced her to have an intravenous drip to eliminate inflammation. In order to wait

ffered a lot from serious injuries like this ever since she was a child. She was used to those minor

you are bored, you can sleep for a while. I will stay here to watch the infusion. And don't call m

elf. She had something else to say. Leona had heard clearly what York had said to the two evildoers. He had said that she was h

will appear in time every time. Then maybe they will think twice before harassing you. If you feel that this will embarrass you, I will te

ls, she felt nothing about his strong family background and those outstanding titles. He finally got a little closer t

that your girlfriend will be angry !" In a moment of desperation, Leona could only find an excuse to prevaricate, but she regretted immediately

chool knows who I like. It's just that silly girl who's playing the fool

her, but she really didn't want to be with him. In her heart, t

ll watch the drip for you!" York knew when to stop and scrapped her nos

she was telling an ostrich mind. She fell asleep quickly. Having worked part time in the past few days and attending classes,

king to watch her like this till the end of the life. York knew that he couldn't help but fall in love w

Before Leona woke up, York directly climbed on

e small entrance of the backyard, a black shadow suddenly appeared

y her bicycle suddenly. She tur

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