img Exposing The Charade Of Deep Affection  /  Chapter 3 Despicable | 60.00%
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Chapter 3 Despicable

Word Count: 750    |    Released on: 12/11/2023

and scowled in a low voice, “Y

cently. “Yes. I accidentally d


connected. Walter had been silent. After a long t

d taken this inc

hley glared at me furious


ble. You’re in my house. You were asking me to leave my husb

oyally pissed off and used all her stren

I pointed at the door and dropped my fake smile

You wouldn’t have the chance to marry Walter if I wasn’t married at

ut she annoyed me with her babbl

nose, feeling a headache creeping in. My marriage

too much during the day. This was

car’s engine outside. I gave Ashley a hard time earlier that day. Knowi

ed while changing out his shoes in

t and said aloofly, “I slep

to me. He glanced at my tablet and frow

ear. I put down the tablet

essly, “It’s your house t

h and got up. “It’s la

this house and decorated it while dating Ashley. The proof of their love

ived here, I didn’t find any problems. But Ashley’s

. There was the sound of running water

down, and started wa

on his waist. He was always fit. His firm chest a

an in front of me. Walter noticed my gaze and glanced at me. He wal


alked unless it was necessary in these two ye

itated before getting up and kne

s thick, it didn’t take lo

wn. Yet, Walter pulled me in his arms smoothly. I

ormal, as if this was the most natural thing in the world.

was doing, I followe

down and touched my belly. I looked up a


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