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Chapter 2 I Call the Police

Word Count: 773    |    Released on: 12/11/2023

in front of the

r brought meds for me. I didn’t know why the police would come to my house and

misunderstanding, you should go home and get some rest. I haile

She turned to Walter with a loving gaze. But Walter was givin

nto the car and sat in the passenger seat without waiting

er sat in the driver’s seat and

ne was

opening my eyes as I di

t the car. It seemed that

opened my eyes and tilted my head to look at him before sayin

arched a brow.

pression, I paused. He d

and just closed my e

didn’t have to spe

re questions and sim


as I stood up all nigh

I had a simple meal and turned on my phon

the rest of the ca

n the call, my phone vibr

up and didn’

o you have time? I want

y on the c

g to the W

tely, worrying that


ess. With her curvy figure and beautiful face, sh

brow. “Yo

nity was too small and bought me a mansion near here

e years ago for us. It was decorated in the style I liked

indifferently. “You always have good taste. However, I grew tired of

darkened. She changed the subject. “Tabatha,

and said, “So? Does it hav

. Walter doesn’t love you. You two are married because our families need it for

couch and glanced at her wi

a stranger. “Tabatha, can’t you hear me? Walter doesn’t love you. Why do

hand, looking at her impatiently. “What a great s

as you agree to divorce, I’ll ask Walter t

whole time. I said to the person on the other li

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