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Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 626    |    Released on: 11/11/2023

not going to forgive me? Agnes, you already have so much. Why are you tr

’s logic. It was Jenny who had butted

saying that she didn’

ft for us to talk about. I have

d and leave, Jenny grabbed her arm, “

re you

Jenny, how many times have I told you, stop bothering Agnes.” Jenny immediately put on a pitiful face, “I

ed Jenny to be suc

is being discharged from the hospital today. Would you like to come to my house for dinner toni

. Agnes spent almost half of her childhood at the Taylor’s. Elton

en was Mr. Taylo

problem. He had a heart bypass surgery this time. He was talkin

herself. She blurted out, “What about me? E

d Agnes. That’s why she came here early. If Agnes went and was warmly

would be in vain. She couldn’

pt him suddenly. His face turned cold instantly. He said, “W

int was v

idn’t want to, b

is, everyone pre

e took out a stack of papers from her bag, “This is my ultrasound report.” Agnes saw t

three months s

mouth. Her gaze was fixed on Agnes‘ face

y away in anger,

he said to Elton, “Elton,

rabbing Agnes‘ arm, “Listen

t a chill in her heart. He completely disregarded the child in her belly

haotic, the door to the confe

face appeared

was gob

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