img A Second Chance At Forever..  /  Chapter 2 Eleanor's Resolute Departure | 40.00%
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Chapter 2 Eleanor's Resolute Departure

Word Count: 780    |    Released on: 27/10/2023

he room carrying a bottle of pills. He respectfully handed them to Eleano

k of affection towards her, it was only natural that he w

n would deliver the pills to Eleanor and ensure

er heart. Whether it was due to her failing heart or the emotio

cing her unresponsive state, fearing t

he pill, and swallowed it with

rieved a property title and a check from his

ition to the property and luxury car, an additional

but what Eleanor truly

and smiled, saying, "I have

ed and asked, "Do you be

te in her mouth. Even Aidyn believed that sh

e payment, likely out of fear that she would

, saying, "This is what he gave me. Please return it to him on my behalf and inform him th

refrained from using Mr. Laurence's mo

believed her or not and placed th

and departed fro

in A City we

villa area, her frail figure casting a

d and devoid of life, much like Bernard's heart. She sat on the sofa, staring blankly for a while, before commencing to pack her belongings. This apartment was bestowed upon her by Bernard. Since he no longer desired her, she no longer desired anything he had given her. Eleanor r

ode for Jade Bay

woman who had knelt before Mr. Laurence five years ago, imploring him to pay a million for her virginity. He promptly returned to the company, presented Bernard with the untouched items, and relayed Elean

ded swift

nth, there was an extra one million. It was evident that it was the money Ms. Shultz had returned to Mr. Laurence. Bernard furrowed his brow thoughtfully, e

pon observing Bernard already engrossed in his work on the computer,

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