img Living with my choice  /  Chapter 1 Alice's POV | 33.33%
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Living with my choice

Living with my choice

Author: Tonia Edosa
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Chapter 1 Alice's POV

Word Count: 1114    |    Released on: 20/09/2023

heart missed a beat. not again! I panicked. The last time we had this conversation, I had en

had taken longer than usual to get to him as I took one fearful

ordered his guards to take me to the hospital after I passed out, without feeling re

r because the internal bleeding persisted, but because I had refused to take my medication, ex

rmed of my refusal to take my medication so he came not to apologize, or to comfort m

g to find out how serious his threats were. My medication was administered

t me. He never returned to the hospital, I mean I didn't give him a reason to and the nex

at her, all I see is a broken woman and I feel so sorry for her. There was a time though when she held

e back to reality. She had drawn my attention

inner and had stayed on as my father instructed.I feared this

ich was partly the reason I refused treatment at first, to stay out for a while even though I was still on lockdown in the hospital but it was different. I was away from the ever-familiar environs of home at least. Jared couldn't visit me. He wasn't aware I was in the hospital, we haven't been able to reach each other since my lockdown included seizing

lways. You can't tell what side she is on in times like this because she offers moral support to

shouldn't be applying violence to get you to obey

o was already dozing off. I pretended to listen to my father with rapt attentio

Her voice brought me back to reality and I realized that my fa

d my phone back. If he noticed my absentm

rds while my mom trailed beh

All these years she was forced to raise Rebecca as her chi

n the phone, making sure

ean. It was as good as new with only the apps that came with it. My contacts, p

am not. Jared's number was stuck in my head and luc

on the sofa and sent her to her

a text. When he answered on the second ring, I ended the call

lone has the spare key to every room in the house. Panic gripped me instantly. Very quickly, I switched off the phon

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