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The One Night Stand Mystery

The One Night Stand Mystery

Author: Mijaly
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Chapter 1 The Night

Word Count: 1076    |    Released on: 30/03/2023

st. Two, my head hurts like hell and I am having difficulties opening my eyes and focusing. Three, I am stark naked even though there is a sheet covering half of my nakedness. Thi

just a normal teenage eighteen-year-old with nothing special or amazing to brag about except what I just woke up to right now. I do not go around sleeping with strange me. I have a boyfriend. Slash. I

on't have a lot of friends at school but most are people I am in groups with that we sometimes hang out with. I do have one best friend Claire who we met and immediately clicked in middle sc

e same college and were leaving next weekend so we decided to make the most of it. I remember us dressing together, Claire putting on my make up leaving and getting in K

his inhale and exhale. I can not see his face because he is facing the wall but I can see the mop of his darl black hair that is in a disarray, I can see his back because he is naked from the

g that I have to stop my sound with both my hands while still trying to move from the bed which is an even bigger mistake bec

want this guy to wake up. But the pain sends both fear and horror to my brain and my body because it answers all the questions and fears I had hoped w

morning. I try to move as quietly as possible so as not to disturb the man because I really don't want to face whatever it was that happened last night, especially with this strange man. Lor

m. As I find each item and put them on while reminding myself to keep watch on the man on the bed so he doesn't wake up and find me in my dress of shame so I can do my walk of shame

n get out fast. I do a quick search and discover it by the door. I pick it up not realising it was open and my phone falls thwack on the floor. I a

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