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The Marriage Trial: A Test of Love and Perseverance

The Marriage Trial: A Test of Love and Perseverance

Author: Arthur Nick
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Chapter 1 The Spontaneous Wife

Word Count: 293    |    Released on: 16/03/2023

ir apartment. As Samantha woke up, she saw a man and a woman passionate

y just fell asleep!" the man warne

iancée will wake up?" the wo

he other room," the

right here in front o

ing heartbroken. She never expected that the man she was goi

ne call from Jack. He told her that Emily was

but she gave up everything for Jack. And

to leave, she saw a tall man in a fitted suit approaching her. He was the CEO of a

I suggest we get married instead?" David

hopeless and hea

ut David himself was intrigued. He looked at Samantha's e

id turned to his assistan

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