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Chapter 5 An Eternal Affection

Word Count: 1211    |    Released on: 03/03/2023

ntinued to work hard at their respective jobs, and spent their

r bed, Emily turned to Sam. "I have some

p, curious.

what Jake said," Emily began. "A

Sam asked, si

h Jake," Emily said. "I never got to properly s

ing. "Do you want to t

" she said. "But I think I need to write him a letter. Just

hand. "I support you, whate

cky to have him in her life. "Thank you," she

r heart and soul into it, sharing all of her thoughts and feelings about

it up and tucking it away in a drawer. She knew that sending it would n

r. She knew that writing the letter had been a turning point for her, and tha

ch, Sam turned to Emily. "I have somethi

citement wash over her.

or a few months, but I know that I want to spend the rest

, the man she loved more than anything in the world. "Yes, S

t wash over her. She knew that she was exactly where she was meant to be, with

y decided on a small ceremony with just their closest friends and famil

agazines for inspiration, and she and Sam spent co

tement and nervousness. She couldn't wait to marry Sam, but she was a

bridesmaids. As she slipped into her dress, she felt a sense of calm wash over her. She knew that

s streamed down her face. They exchanged their vows in front of their loved

ft each other's sides all night. As they drove away from the venue, hand in h

th Sam. They bought a house together and began to build a li

led her to this moment. All of the heartbreak and pain had been

ily knew that she was exactly where she was meant to be. She had foun

places and trying new things together, from hiking in the mountains to trying exotic foods. They w

beach, Sam turned to Emily with a serious look on his face.

coming, but she was still nervous. "What is it,

Emily. "Emily, I love you more than anything in this world," he sai

her head. "Yes, Sam," she said, throwing he

dn't have been happier. She was finally going to marry the man of her

white gown, her heart pounding with excitement. As she reached the alt

f a new chapter in their lives. They were going to face new challenges

iends and family celebrated their union. Emily and Sam danc

found her soulmate, her best friend, her forever. And she knew that no matter what the



Chapter 1 The Beginning Chapter 2 A Chance Encounter by the Seaside Chapter 3 Falling in Love Chapter 4 Overcoming Challenges Chapter 5 An Eternal Affection Chapter 6 The New Adventure
Chapter 7 A Road Bump
Chapter 8 The Unplanned Pregnancy
Chapter 9 The Anniversary Trip
Chapter 10 New Horizons
Chapter 11 Starting a Family and Embracing the Great Outdoors
Chapter 12 Love Lost: Emily's Painful Breakup with Jake
Chapter 13 Second Love Lost
Chapter 14 Emily and Sam struggle to find a work-life balance
Chapter 15 Sam's Ex Girlfriend resurfaces
Chapter 16 Emily's family disapproves of her relationship
Chapter 17 Strain on Relationship
Chapter 18 Financial problems
Chapter 19 Unsupportive Family
Chapter 20 Communication Issues
Chapter 21 Haunted by the Past: Tension in Emily and Sam's Relationship
Chapter 22 The Breakup
Chapter 23 The Tragedy
Chapter 24 Kaydie Beginnings
Chapter 25 Lost in Morgan Creek
Chapter 26 Kadie's Experience
Chapter 27 Her Anxiety
Chapter 28 The Vampire's thought
Chapter 29 Kadie And Marti
Chapter 30 Resisting the Vampire's Temptation
Chapter 31 Curiosity in Kadie
Chapter 32 Saintcrow and Kadie
Chapter 33 Kadie's Love
Chapter 34 Kadie and the Vampires
Chapter 35 The Virgin
Chapter 36 Intimacy
Chapter 37 Shopping with the Vampire
Chapter 38 Marti's Thought
Chapter 39 The Promise
Chapter 40 Saintcrow's Feeling
Chapter 41 Kadie's Love Lost
Chapter 42 Monster Feelings
Chapter 43 Loving Kaide
Chapter 44 The Plan
Chapter 45 Saintcrow and Kirk
Chapter 46 The Arrival
Chapter 47 Her Father
Chapter 48 Blair House
Chapter 49 The Bond
Chapter 50 The Kiss: Stronger Love
Chapter 51 Saintcrow's Secrets
Chapter 52 Vampires making love
Chapter 53 The Walk
Chapter 54 Ravenwood and Kadie
Chapter 55 Twilight Falls
Chapter 56 Found My Lover
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