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Chapter 5 Hypocrite

Word Count: 1510    |    Released on: 24/01/2023

forearm. Nothing registered anymore. Not the noise in the club, n

pry her hand away from herself. “Stop doing that,” the mafia boss ba

enaline. Pained screams left her mouth when Vin accidentally gripped her injured wrist to

as he watched the life d

, but he managed to catch Callie b

syringe muttering, “Sedative.” As i

as he shook his head at his second-i

“You never know when it would come in handy.” Soren

etween Callie’s brows as well as the blood coating her fingernails. Reaching forward, Vin turned Callie’s arm to check her wounds. He won

s or so,” came

ly, and they spend the drive

ce. And she was moving, the motion was reminiscent of an elevator. But how? The las

er eyes and sure enough

supposed t

in finally registered that Vin was carrying her, Callie’s eyes bugg

r railing for support. Squeezing herself as far away from him as possible, Callie looked at him

d as she and Vin held each other’s eyes. As if on cue, the elevator ding

to her neck, gently massaging the little bump left by the needle. The action caused a dark fabric to fall to th

reached do

quipped as Vin ushered C

ed. “She’s not supposed

omfortable sharing to strangers how she would ingest small amounts of sleeping pills and muscle relaxants every day t


allie. I’m not

at her as if she’d grown horns. “At least immune to those you can buy over the cou

in asked, his voice still c


Come in, Callie.” Outside the club and without thugs surrounding him

e couch before turning to go to wh

he top of a skyscraper, but no, he chooses to live in a shack.” Soren mutte

shack. She didn’t understand the layout yet, but from what she could see they weren’t too high up. Maybe t

suddenly at her side again. “The old

ther word out, Vin’s deep

, leav


in added

hands up in surrender as he backed up to call the elevator. “Alright, but we do have much to talk about, so

, right off the bat? She couldn’t handle this. She was still lightheaded from the sedative and thought that she’d have

e black jacket off of Callie, exposing her again. He eyed the dark patches of blood that s

ordered and Callie could

e muttered once sh

he repeated. “Take it off. I should like t

t, it was a form of manipulation. It was a threat disguised as an innocent question. Because,

derwear, Vin started to assess her. His eyes r

unable to stay put with Vin eyeing he

ward to take her hand to inspect it. T

d tried to rape you. They

allie’s spine. Anger boiled inside her. Who w

t before Callie c

re trying to do

tomach flipped with nervousness. Vin terrified her, but she co

t her bravery. “Ah, but alas, you gave me con

r in a challenge. “You claim to respect women, y

or in check. “Your uncle owed me millions, and he offered y

r the smartest or the dumbest person to speak

, and Callie watched in horror as Vin’s expression d

ing to have fun with you,



Chapter 1 Callie Chapter 2 Vin Chapter 3 The Ashen City Chapter 4 You're Mine Chapter 5 Hypocrite Chapter 6 I'll Be Your Friend
Chapter 7 Don't Hurt Her
Chapter 8 Thank You For Not Killing Me
Chapter 9 The Tomb
Chapter 10 Never Been Kissed
Chapter 11 Raleigh
Chapter 12 Is This Home
Chapter 13 Grief
Chapter 14 Songbird
Chapter 15 Wish
Chapter 16 Phantoms
Chapter 17 Girls of the Night
Chapter 18 Shots Fired
Chapter 19 Death Anniversary
Chapter 20 Surprisingly Gray
Chapter 21 The City Burns
Chapter 22 Siege
Chapter 23 I'll Find You
Chapter 24 Maybe He's Wrong
Chapter 25 The Aftermath
Chapter 26 Doctor's Orders
Chapter 27 Still Gray
Chapter 28 Vow
Chapter 29 Whatever You Want
Chapter 30 Did I Kill Him
Chapter 31 Anger and Fear
Chapter 32 Thank you, Master
Chapter 33 Abandon
Chapter 34 Climb on, Angel
Chapter 35 Out of Time
Chapter 36 Banged Up
Chapter 37 Disgusted
Chapter 38 You're Safe Now
Chapter 39 Promise
Chapter 40 So Much More
Chapter 41 Nerves
Chapter 42 Rebuild
Chapter 43 Shelter
Chapter 44 Thankful
Chapter 45 Donation
Chapter 46 Filthy
Chapter 47 Camouflage
Chapter 48 Did You Do It
Chapter 49 Fall For You
Chapter 50 Damned
Chapter 51 Sell It
Chapter 52 Know Your Place
Chapter 53 Claimed
Chapter 54 Confessions
Chapter 55 Catching Up
Chapter 56 Amiss
Chapter 57 Three Rules
Chapter 58 Soirée
Chapter 59 Blood in the Water
Chapter 60 Entitled Bastard
Chapter 61 All Will Be Well
Chapter 62 I'm Not Depressed
Chapter 63 Therapy
Chapter 64 Welcome Party
Chapter 65 Power Trip
Chapter 66 Mei
Chapter 67 Dove
Chapter 68 Reward
Chapter 69 Spoiled
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