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Chapter 3 The Ashen City

Word Count: 1623    |    Released on: 24/01/2023

or the mafia, he must have seen dozens of different reactions to the mentio

liked you.

out resistance. Soren followed inside. With only the two of them sitting

d only heard rumors about it, and some stories from her university buddies who have dared to

place was extremely gray. Most of the buildings they passed were either destroyed or unlivable. And though

e its former glory. Ahead of them, lights had started to twinkle in the dist

n lights decorated the storefront of what looked like a nightclub. Nothing

ver teach you about the Ashe

her. Instead, she answered, “They did. But back then, it wasn’t like this. S

r, and she watched Soren’s sardonic sm

ter. Vin made

e. Not the club per se, but the general area. She didn’t remember much about the city, except for the places her parents took her t

where her parents promised to take her to the amusement park as an after-s

ce she recalled something so vivid. Maybe being in the cit

and louder, Soren had to shou

e said. “I’ll

d Soren practically skip out from the corner of he

allie brewed in her emotions. Nasty emotions that she was forcing herself to get

e with her best friend Sienna to walking into her trashe

odbye. Knowing Sienna, she would worry and start looking for her. Ma

as Vincent Baros, one of the city’s most wanted. The

” Callie, lost in her thoughts, didn’t notice three

? She refused to believe it. Callie was a survivor,

s interest that immediately turne

aid, sporting a mullet that didn’t suit

one of the thugs that beat up her uncle. Callie didn

past his two buddies and grabbed Callie’s arm. Wi

he didn’t know these people and what they were capable of, but she assumed the worst. In her desperation, she spared a glance at t

away, “Don’t touch me!” she yelled and bac

full-swing, uncaring of the haras

yelled, following Callie and deliv

ad happened, pain bloomed in her left cheek as she staggered to the floo

ng the front of her dress, ripping it in the process, exposing her bra and midsect

on’t fucking touch me!” she added when the group started to circle her, trap

words because she was pushed down to the dirty floor. Strong hands grab eac

t face. “It’s time you learned your place—” and he grabbed her left breast, eliciting an angry scream from Callie and c

our boss would appreciate that,” she spit out, kic

h?” Mullet guy muttered b

anaged to put her into a kneeling position in front of their boss. Her arms were still firmly kept i

ed wrist and the pressure on her ankles were too much. She cried out i

familiar voice said, but Callie was

ed his filthy excuse of a cock. With what’s left of her strength, Callie pulled her

wisted away from her captors’ holds and bit hard on

now. She spits out the blood and scrambled away as best as she could. W

ped around her shoulders to steady her, Call

acks, staring at the most beautiful man she had ever beheld. With dark hair

speak again that the fantasy was

. “I told you she

he notorious name against the man before her. Calli

ay that the devil



Chapter 1 Callie Chapter 2 Vin Chapter 3 The Ashen City Chapter 4 You're Mine Chapter 5 Hypocrite Chapter 6 I'll Be Your Friend
Chapter 7 Don't Hurt Her
Chapter 8 Thank You For Not Killing Me
Chapter 9 The Tomb
Chapter 10 Never Been Kissed
Chapter 11 Raleigh
Chapter 12 Is This Home
Chapter 13 Grief
Chapter 14 Songbird
Chapter 15 Wish
Chapter 16 Phantoms
Chapter 17 Girls of the Night
Chapter 18 Shots Fired
Chapter 19 Death Anniversary
Chapter 20 Surprisingly Gray
Chapter 21 The City Burns
Chapter 22 Siege
Chapter 23 I'll Find You
Chapter 24 Maybe He's Wrong
Chapter 25 The Aftermath
Chapter 26 Doctor's Orders
Chapter 27 Still Gray
Chapter 28 Vow
Chapter 29 Whatever You Want
Chapter 30 Did I Kill Him
Chapter 31 Anger and Fear
Chapter 32 Thank you, Master
Chapter 33 Abandon
Chapter 34 Climb on, Angel
Chapter 35 Out of Time
Chapter 36 Banged Up
Chapter 37 Disgusted
Chapter 38 You're Safe Now
Chapter 39 Promise
Chapter 40 So Much More
Chapter 41 Nerves
Chapter 42 Rebuild
Chapter 43 Shelter
Chapter 44 Thankful
Chapter 45 Donation
Chapter 46 Filthy
Chapter 47 Camouflage
Chapter 48 Did You Do It
Chapter 49 Fall For You
Chapter 50 Damned
Chapter 51 Sell It
Chapter 52 Know Your Place
Chapter 53 Claimed
Chapter 54 Confessions
Chapter 55 Catching Up
Chapter 56 Amiss
Chapter 57 Three Rules
Chapter 58 Soirée
Chapter 59 Blood in the Water
Chapter 60 Entitled Bastard
Chapter 61 All Will Be Well
Chapter 62 I'm Not Depressed
Chapter 63 Therapy
Chapter 64 Welcome Party
Chapter 65 Power Trip
Chapter 66 Mei
Chapter 67 Dove
Chapter 68 Reward
Chapter 69 Spoiled
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