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The Vampire King's Captive

The Vampire King's Captive

Author: Anya Ivy
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Chapter 1 ONE :A Stranger In The Courtroom

Word Count: 1697    |    Released on: 03/01/2023


worse than having your nails for

oned by Ariti when he needed them. It was never a matter of if, because he would always be

th that was soon to take place. A death that she would, of course, deliver. She was positive she w


of the palace with her hands shackled

ened men, all watching her impatiently with eyes that promised evil, she had no

was im

t she would undoubtedly regre

mly, as if it was the first time he was

w why. Was he taking his time with her simply because she w

have an iota of compassion for a single soul alive. And he definitely wa

and he was willing to be civil with her if that was the on

said nothing, Ariti

her ai

ds. Like she didn’t know that he had spoken to her, but

lowly, not completely closed, but tight enough that had there been a neck in her fist

e teenager o

d probably fight off the force that was cutting off her air supply, but it was impossibl

ar and wide if her powers

but couldn’t make any sound. Maria could feel the vibration and excitement of the men scattered around the courtro


ed to know. She wished so with all her heart and if she had t

d and she did, almost

girl could breathe again. She took huge gul

ent that she doubted it was possible fo

to tell me where he is now, or do you

ed, her eyes flitting briefly to Maria bef

person was lying or if they were telling the truth. She couldn’t prod a person’s mind and tell if their shields

ut meaning to would

hoke the girl again and Maria with her hands t

e did easier. Her glamour gave the illusion that she was someone else. A willowy woman in her ear

rom who she

inded herself of all the reasons she was doing this. She reminded herself that it wasn’t her fault and th

t it wasn’


g look she gave her, had Maria’s heart shrinking in her chest. She was a monster.

of her strength, but she would be damned before admitting it and she cou

s about to pass out,

uickly, she wove a glamour o

ndered, leaning forward on his seat and almost fal

ore, it had been quite obvious that Ariti was calm and asking her the questions in t

med, finally raising her voice and looking

cutting the girl off. The

e girl. She very much did not want to

hat he wan


et me k

not making it out, because she couldn’t speak to the girl.

was stalling. She was trying to delay as much as she could. She was trying to give t

of knowing. For one, she couldn’t read minds and secondly, the girl mi

e girl’s father that Ariti was after him, then he would run for his life. What she d

anything to slow him down.

elate to the fat

riti urged

nsidered as disobedience. And from the questioning looks some of the me

e two kill the girl. S

he girl k

decision solidified in her eyes be

tomach bo

de and one appeared out of thin air. J

d the closer it got to her, the more Maria felt a small part

her lying down position, sitting upright, her chin


med in Mar

to the blade and Maria caught a quiver in her form, b

, she watched a tear slid down her eye, but she blinked it back immediately. It

s girl, but she had no other option. S

he final blow that would end the gi



Chapter 1 ONE :A Stranger In The Courtroom Chapter 2 TWO Maria is Captured Chapter 3 THREE Cells and Faded Glamours Chapter 4 FOUR Attractive Sorceress, Vampire Flees Chapter 5 FIVE Unexpected visitors Chapter 6 SIX Where’s my sisters
Chapter 7 SEVEN I am in the Vampire Realm
Chapter 8 EIGHT She’s not yet an immortal
Chapter 9 NINE Torture Begins
Chapter 10 TEN I’m Sorry
Chapter 11 ELEVEN Unwanted Attraction
Chapter 12 TWELVE I have information about your sister!
Chapter 13 THIRTEEN A sorcerer visitors
Chapter 14 FOURTEEN You’re failure
Chapter 15 FIFTEEN Maria tries to escape
Chapter 16 SIXTEEN I should kill you right now.
Chapter 17 SEVENTEEN You’re a mortal.
Chapter 18 EIGHTEEN Bran Assembles his Man
Chapter 19 NINETEEN Maria Falls
Chapter 20 TWENTY From cell to bedroom
Chapter 21 TWENTY-ONE What are you doing to me
Chapter 22 TWENTY-TWO Vampires, Sorceress and oracle
Chapter 23 TWENTY-THREE She’s a Peculiar Creature
Chapter 24 TWENTY-FOUR Attack on the Vampires
Chapter 25 TWENTY-FIVE survive that long, Vampire
Chapter 26 TWENTY-SIX Camping in a cave
Chapter 27 TWENTY-SEVEN Tell me your name, Vampire
Chapter 28 TWENTY-EIGHT She is Mine
Chapter 29 TWENTY-NINE Sorceress saves Vampire
Chapter 30 THIRTY Near Seduction
Chapter 31 THIRTY-ONE Near Kiss
Chapter 32 THIRTY-TWO A seductive Bath
Chapter 33 THIRTY-THREE Watch me touch myself
Chapter 34 THIRTY-FOUR Bran comes and bails
Chapter 35 THIRTY-FIVE Maria Meets Bran’s lover
Chapter 36 THIRTY-SIX Two people, One room
Chapter 37 THIRTY-SEVEN It’s because of her, isn’t it
Chapter 38 THIRTY-EIGHT The kiss
Chapter 39 THIRTY-NINE Not so cold, was I
Chapter 40 FORTY Corey
Chapter 41 FORTY-ONE Does she do that a lot
Chapter 42 FORTY-TWO Do you believe me
Chapter 43 FORTY-THREE Die Trying
Chapter 44 FORTY-FOUR
Chapter 45 FORTY-FIVE The Maria Hatzi
Chapter 46 FORTY-SIX Chaos
Chapter 47 FORTY-SEVEN Playing with fire
Chapter 48 FORTY-EIGHT Queen of Evil
Chapter 49 FORTY-NINE She’s gone
Chapter 50 FIFTY Vampire’s regret
Chapter 51 FIFTY-ONE
Chapter 52 FIFTY-TWO
Chapter 53 FIFTY-THREE
Chapter 54 FIFTY-FOUR
Chapter 55 FIFTY-FIVE
Chapter 56 FIFTY-SIX
Chapter 57 FIFTY-SEVEN
Chapter 58 FIFTY-EIGHT
Chapter 59 FIFTY-NINE
Chapter 60 SIXTY
Chapter 61 SIXTY-ONE
Chapter 62 SIXTY-TWO
Chapter 63 SIXTY-THREE
Chapter 64 SIXTY-FOUR
Chapter 65 SIXTY-FIVE
Chapter 66 SIXTY-SIX
Chapter 67 SIXTY-SEVEN
Chapter 68 SIXTY-EIGHT
Chapter 69 SIXTY-NINE
Chapter 70 SEVENTY
Chapter 71 SEVENTY-ONE
Chapter 72 SEVENTY-TWO
Chapter 76 SEVENTY-SIX
Chapter 80 EIGHTY
Chapter 81 EIGHTY-ONE
Chapter 82 EIGHTY-TWO
Chapter 84 EIGHTY-FOUR
Chapter 85 EIGHTY-FIVE
Chapter 86 EIGHTY-SIX
Chapter 88 EIGHTY- EIGHT
Chapter 89 EIGHTY-NINE
Chapter 90 NINETY
Chapter 91 NINETY-ONE
Chapter 92 NINETY-TWO
Chapter 94 NINETY-FOUR
Chapter 95 NINETY-FIVE
Chapter 96 NINETY-SIX
Chapter 99 NINETY-NINE
Chapter 100 ONE HUNDRED
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