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Billionaire's Lost Girl

Billionaire's Lost Girl

Author: Demi-Dean
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Chapter 1 Full Blurb.

Word Count: 518    |    Released on: 12/09/2022

. I sounded cold even to my ears. “

ged you, Cherry. I toyed with wh

met his eyes now and took

t know what you're talking about. You've got the


!” I shouted, rushing to the door. “A

r the elevator. He ran clos

or hastily, wiping the tears that had escaped the corner of my eyes. I hated myself for being a chick

my house address. I had no cause to believe that he was very much in love with me. Only God knew how many ladies he said those words to on a p

as for

ove. She's seen her friends fall in and out of love and has decided to stay away totally. Yet, when she gets involved

ths later that she's pregnant, and has no contact

If only anyone knew how tired he was behind all the bad boy facade. When he saves and meets the phenomenal woman at a nightclub during a business trip, it's a night of p

with her son and a man she's starting to love, and Daniel is getting engaged to a woman he couldn't

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