img I thought I didn't love you  /  Chapter 5 Worried | 55.56%
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Chapter 5 Worried

Word Count: 1323    |    Released on: 06/09/2022

mous fashion company in the country and abroad, the image on the cover of the model must be beautiful and neat. It has been more than ten hours since she met Hu

ed. Tomorrow we go to the suburbs to shoot the scene on the lawn. Tomorrow is the end of the scene and


ly. He thought that today would be finished soon, but unexpectedly the writer and photographer extended the time and added more shooting products to speed up the progress. As a re

ittle sorry. Thinking that she was thirsty now, he immediate

to help me. I talked to the scriptwri


, La Uyen Dinh did not have the slightest feeling of hatred or rejection of this

ch your thirst. Today is a tiring d

nk y

ontrary, she spoke with a very gentle and friendly voice to Du Y Na.

e who previously accepted Luo Wanting's coldness immediately left. Particularly Du Y Na stubbornly stayed. Until La Uyen Di

er with such enthusiasm. No matter how cold she tried to act, they stubbornly stayed and kept her company. This make

timid but full of life. This girl really mad

pare to go home. Seeing that Du Yi Na was quite far away from her, La Uyen Dinh immediately picked up the p

you know what time it is, princess? I haven't been able to s

ign an assistant contract with


s so angry that he was lying on the bed and had to get up and punch the pi

e contract he signed. It really makes people mad! La Uyen Dinh from childhood to ad

out to go back to sleep, just as his head touched the pillow when the phone rang agai

o sleep for a few days now, but now I can't sleep, I

lse? You ki

l it, I'l

e mad. I don't understand why after so many years he can endure this girl who is sunny i

else? Hurry up,

een him

He quickly got up and went to the table and chairs

u took pictures this morning and went for an interview, rig

the door and walked in. When he saw me, he left. His hand was still holding another girl's

ing another girl's arm, he thought that maybe La Uyen Dinh was under a spell. Seeing the

what are you stil

believe i

heck it out for you. Let him open his eye


ive years of disappearance. Seeing La Uyen Dinh happy, Tu Tu Kiet was also happy but did not know if this was a predestined relationship or a debt. This time, when Hu

Tu Tu Kiet's head. Although he was a little worried for Luo Wan Ting, he still

igate for me a man named Huo

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