img Menace Association  /  Chapter 2 Miyazaki's Daughter | 11.76%
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Chapter 2 Miyazaki's Daughter

Word Count: 1127    |    Released on: 09/07/2022

ut I caught it quickly. The sharp-ed

facing the wall and held

You're my ty

neck which leads to create some

t that pretty throat your

g in fear, that's the time

, Akira Miyazaki she intr

man? I handled her so

s my

re i

t me off while caressing her

t wanted to find Tsutomu, according t

u're A

id you

lot about Jeffrey and h

or he's just an asshole" i just shrugged

e she pointed upstairs here you c

like i had choice" i clicked my tounge as i w

and shook her head


for about of couple of years to improve her skills for b

to close her small shop that's locat

ghts, when Akira suddenly entere

ight" Akira whines while stomping he


d your bitchy attitude of yours" she leaned in the

i ag

yes and take a seat on

I caught him having

rise him coz you kno

urprised she added and crossed her arm

s me, I know all of his fetish and kin

her, she gently grab her chin which m

e a little bit o


nna revenge to that bitch? I have a fun plan"

ponded stuttering, while s

yet menace eyes" she c

lp me it's not that hard

ree first Agatha c

r moaning Fuji's name while he f

nd then kissed the corner of her lips as t

ives?" She asked Akira, wh

, Akira

where the secretary's ad

r twice before she throw it, as

too" Agatha said to her w

e door, Agtha makes sure that

rknob and surprised

dumb" she uttered as t

e in the wall, "i see this

find herself at the bed room, She t

's here" s

huckled as they look at the secretary who's sle

ucked that bitch good, da

ritting her teeth anger, env

stairs" Agatha muttered, she wistled while she plays with balisong

ng her back at the armrest ma

e steps at the stair, she turned her gazed at her w

ou go too r

Akira walk towards her as she grab the

d her then Akira just agreed with a

inally finished their busines

", Akira said on her

of yours got ruined by the bloodstain" as she got

ul day" she whi

s inside her room t

"Why are you so dressed? Where are y

hile adding some red lipstick

me put some clothes on

uys are there especially this

un sure why not. She got up and finds a dress an

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