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Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1443    |    Released on: 28/06/2022


es since she went away w

mirah and looked at her pictures which were taken 10 years ago..... She looked so beautiful in

I used to click her pictu


were amazed when we heard our class teacher saying that we have a new admission in our class and we have to co-oper

allow new admission in the

ransferred here and we have to consider the transfer case

and the teacher nodded at someo

at her face but confidence was oozing out of her body language. She

called Mumbai). My father got transferred, so we shifted here. I loved my old schools

low on her face. She was so beautiful just like an angel right from heaven... And

as I also sing

invitation to all kind of insects to visit i


d close your mouth.


l..... Right ??

s ok... " I j

just ok... I mean the way you were lo

act smart ... "

there is no doubt about it.

, he was sharing his desk with Sahi

utam has gone c

one crazy. He was looking at that new admissi

ed at him. He used to say the same for every gi

ring at me Bhai??

looked towards her who t

e was laughing and smiling. She made a few friends in just

ching. Ma'am asked many questions as she just was about to start a

he know them and she said that she had

her, even my friends and my twin. I

r class. They both had opted for commerce stream, wh

in your class. " Rahul said. He was look


se of her she is hot

ve any other work?

unch break. " Gautam said a

oom with Anshu and other girls.

ming to our class they pretended that they came

ng? " Yash said. He was in class 12

s you here? " I was b

hought that we must stop by as you peo

" I got up to leave

ept looking at her. But thankfully the break

asy Bhai... What happ

don't know

now... " Sahil sai

oes that

tracted to th


ything from me. I k

on your books.

urself," Sahil said and opene

e all were leaving the class w

ang of friends. Out of them, Sagar was th

e crazy??? I turned to see h

nd made a face as

he asked her friend Anshu. Ans

nd I think his name is

by, you think...

am not sure.

ves in Bombay." She said to her but I know it was for my ben

you seen Sagar tod

, I am standing right

ce that girl joined ou

" I said to all five of them

a car. A driver opened and closed the

ds started teasing me but I de

I kept thinking about her...

on her... I mean she is hot, beautiful and intelligent. A very rare combin

are already flirting with so many girls... Most of the time they get

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