img Mated to the twin Alphas  /  Chapter 5 The Bright moon pack(Five). | 6.10%
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Chapter 5 The Bright moon pack(Five).

Word Count: 1061    |    Released on: 25/04/2022


hes, I packed the ones that still looked presentable. I cleaned up to

ng and loving I am, I mutter thanks to her for her help and encouragement before closing the door behind me

ge man in his forties discussing if I am not mistaken it is the be

the beta, making him and my family members turn around, they were

I feel like running to my mom and telling her how scared and terrified I am. My family's s

e pity, sadness and betrayal flickered in his eyes but he masked it immediately, I gave the beta a small smile and greeted him. I turned ar

hat she felt nothing for me, her blood sister in this kind of situation. I don't kno

this, that my father gave me out as a bride to the bright moon pack because of his selfishness and cowardness, I glanced at them for

ck if you have any problem there, and let me come kick some ass," she said to m

are me any glance or even say a word to me, I

the window to get a better view, then our car stopped at one tall and huge building. The building was so tall that I couldn't see it very well. The beta opene

were already looking at me with disgust, I lowered my h

he passage, it was very quiet. I told the beta that I need to use the restroom and that I am pressed, I lied, I hoped he didn't find out. I just want a

sensation overtaken me, I used my two hands to support my head and continue to follow the smell with the help of heaven who is jumping around my head screaming the word mate, I can't believe I

te was coming from with a plastered smile. I opened the door

woman shouting harder babe. I felt a piercing pain pass through my heart, the pain was so muc

rt, before he could turn around, I

d fell, he helped me stan

problem Miss

iciously but I managed to give him a small smile. He gestures for us to continue going so as not



Chapter 1 Werewolves(one) Chapter 2 Birthday Shopping(Two) Chapter 3 Birthday(Three) Chapter 4 The Shocking News(Four) Chapter 5 The Bright moon pack(Five). Chapter 6 Meeting the Alpha And His Luna(Six) Chapter 7 New Friend(Seven)
Chapter 8 Meeting My Mate(Eight)
Chapter 9 The Rejection(Nine)
Chapter 10 The Pain (Ten)
Chapter 11 The pain 2(Chapter Eleven)
Chapter 12 Confused(Twelve)
Chapter 13 Surprise(Thirteen)
Chapter 14 The Breakfast(Fourteen).
Chapter 15 Who sent me(Fifteen)
Chapter 16 Am I losing it (Sixteen)
Chapter 17 Uneasiness( The wedding preparation)
Chapter 18 Unbelievable(Chapter Eighteen)
Chapter 19 Is there still a way out(Chapter Nineteen)
Chapter 20 The Wedding (Twenty)
Chapter 21 Wedding Part 2
Chapter 22 What the fuck!! (Twenty- two)
Chapter 23 Broken and Shattered ( Twenty- three)
Chapter 24 Meeting my Derry (Twenty-Four)
Chapter 25 Returning home( twenty -five)
Chapter 26 It can't be possible(Twenty-Six)
Chapter 27 The Gamma(Twenty-Seven)
Chapter 28 Possessive of my brother's wife(twenty-eight)
Chapter 29 Misery ( Twenty-Nine)
Chapter 30 Needed someone around me( Thirty)
Chapter 31 The secret passage (Thirty-One)
Chapter 32 The beast within(Thirty- Two)
Chapter 33 Wanting to know more about you(Thirty -Three)
Chapter 34 Getting ready for the party( Thirty-Four)
Chapter 35 What the fuck (Thirty-Five)
Chapter 36 Wanting to know you more (Thirty-Six)
Chapter 37 This whole madness needs to stop......!! (Thirty-Seven)
Chapter 38 The visible pains (Thirty-Eight)
Chapter 39 I don't think I can survive this.....( Thirty-Nine)
Chapter 40 I want to reject you......(Forty)
Chapter 41 I reject your rejection (Forty-One)
Chapter 42 Wasn't expecting that.......(Forty-Two)
Chapter 43 Am I dead..... (Forty-Three)
Chapter 44 I am screwed(Forty-Four)
Chapter 45 She seems strange (Forty-Five)
Chapter 46 Aroused (Forty-Six)
Chapter 47 I want you (Forty-Seven)
Chapter 48 Intimacy (Forty-Eight)
Chapter 49 Annabel ( Forty-Nine)
Chapter 50 We need a plan (Fifty)
Chapter 51 Who is Annabel ( Fifty-One)
Chapter 52 Getting the wrong idea (Fifty-Two)
Chapter 53 I need to go (Fifty-Three)
Chapter 54 Resentment(Fifty-Four)
Chapter 55 Something seems odd about her( Fifty-Five)
Chapter 56 Eyes on them(Fifty- six)
Chapter 57 Surprised(Fifty-Seven)
Chapter 58 Am I doing the right thing(Fifty-Eight)
Chapter 59 Impossible(Fifty-Nine)
Chapter 60 She still cares(Sixty)
Chapter 61 Goodbye, Mira(Sixty-One)
Chapter 62 Devastated(Sixty-Two)
Chapter 63 Angel is still alive (Sixty-Three)
Chapter 64 Unveiling the truth(Sixty-Four)
Chapter 65 The truth(Sixty-Five)
Chapter 66 The new plan(Sixty-Six)
Chapter 67 Eyes on you(Sixty-Seven)
Chapter 68 The hospital visitation(Sixty-Eight)
Chapter 69 Dilemma(Sixty-Nine)
Chapter 70 Way to go, Mira(SEVENTY)
Chapter 71 A mission for the exchange of life(SEVENTY-ONE)
Chapter 72 Punishment(SEVENTY-TWO)
Chapter 73 Doctor's report(Seventy-three)
Chapter 74 Being strong(Seventy-four)
Chapter 75 History(Seventy-Five)
Chapter 76 Arrested(Seventy-Six)
Chapter 77 Trapped(Seventy-Seven)
Chapter 78 Escape(Seventy-Eight)
Chapter 79 Trying to find you( Seventy-Nine)
Chapter 80 Pouring out my heart(Eighty)
Chapter 81 Torture(Eighty-One)
Chapter 82 Starting a new life(Eighty-Two)
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