img My Personal Diary-Collette  /  Chapter 4 Jan 4 | 33.33%
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Chapter 4 Jan 4

Word Count: 941    |    Released on: 17/01/2022


mile. Some of the things he did to me was so hot…Jake had never did some of those things before. To be honest, I wouldn’t mind doing those things

contact list since the only other number I have saved was my mother’s phone number. I had deleted Jake’s phone number after I had read

xt him but I was afraid to. “Would he respond?” I kept ask

at the memory of how he treated my pussy with his hot mouth. I’m getting hot and wet just thinking about it. Thinking about Jake killed the moment I was thinki

that fucker. I sat down next to the window and looked outside and down below the street. I know one thing; Lance did take me some

. He looked up as he stared down at him. I swear I can see him smiling up at me. What’s that in his

picked me up and tossed me on my bed. I was on my hands and knees with my ass in the air. I nearly screamed out loud when he entered me in one swift

all fucking morning. Fuckin

he held onto me as I puls

as I continued to pulse aroun

easts then swept a hand down to swirl

shoulder. He shoved his dick in and out so h

my back. I can feel the hot seed all over me and feel his hot breat

gling with mine. He began placing tender kisses along my neck and into my shoulder. My hands ran along his naked,

at was daring me to do something I know that he would like very well. I smiled back at him as I slid down and took his hardening dick in my mouth. I could also taste myself on his dick and it drove me beyond wild as I slid my tongue around the tip then he slipped deep inside of my mouth. His fingers grab

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