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Chapter 5 Those words dont just mix

Word Count: 990    |    Released on: 17/03/2022

question i was

" i sta

riends, you can tell me" lisa

e out" I lied and sh

u two act all kinda weird

obably just acting up"

day in school tomorrow" Lisa said. I was wondering what she was talki

or a math class. "Ok. thanks for the reminder" i said and she g

girl" Lisa said b

e so bossy" i sai

ep. she was bossy but i was stubborn, nothing makes me st


. To my greatest suprise, i woke up before my alarm sound

t pays to

n my comb" Darren sa

naked" i said look

chuckled inwardly. That was a huge judgement, he just placed

my make up table next to my bed. The

g his comb and dragging

ught. i need a damn comb" i said


omb all this while and i was turn

and i halted. Her vo

red her. I was harsh, i know

sked me out" she asked me and

do that?" i asked her a

swered and my brain spl

he cleared her throat.

pposed to encourage me because it did encourage me to do the impossible. I dragged her book and kissed her forcefully. Her lips was a memory in my

darren" she said in a small still voice and left th

l as hard as i can. "Fuck" i sai


that " i said as Anna

smiled. i wasn't really

d and as the though

d and i stood up. i guess the thought

was the only thing that bothered me. I dont care about if they fight or date eac

isa" she said a

t feeling guilty. " i am

it" she said tou

d" she said

she laughed. i hugged her and

Lisa said. "i am not taking sides, just saying" i said imm

ver, but i dont need that lov

out of the room. We went downstairs.

ng" i said and my

m asked when she notice

m shrugged. we left are in her


s. we saw students gathered fightin

a asked and i humphed. What did she

i am seeing what you are seeing"

and ran to check what was going on that

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