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Chapter 4 After the Marriage

Word Count: 4267    |    Released on: 03/01/2022

opened it was

ye nodded and sat beside Lauren. They were just silent but Jihye's heart is already skipping a beat since she was beside her c

confused at first but manage to realize what Jihye is trying to do she just chuckled and too

m fine. So, your Mom told me that you will be going back to L.A. to fix something how long will you stay in there?

elings for me?' "I mean, now that you know you're my wife. I know that I need to look out for you because alr

ce YGs group schedule has a comeback after my schedule so I decided to help my Mom in her company or maybe fix

o, it's okay. I can do a man's work because of my Dad and brother. You just need to rest when you come back because I know there's for you to do in the upcoming months. I also have m

e gifts with you. Uhm if you're just okay with it I really don't mind if you open it alone." Lauren smiled and stood up as she moved

o Jihye she told her to open it because it was from her members "Oh, it's a scented candle. Here smell it" Jihye handed her the candle as Lauren took a smell it was her favorite scent, Vanilla. "Where

ide and took Yujin and Megan's gifts. Lauren was the one who opened Megan's it was a picnic basket with some utensils while Yujin bought them some new plates that Lauren really likes since Suzy and Marceline told them that Lauren really likes the Aesthetic plates b

ything regarding with work they never stop buying me things. They were all about you for now" Jihye said grinning "What do you mean by that?" "To be honest we are competing with each other, whoever will be married first we need to treat each other the foods and a trip to the country they like but I can just also pay for it

luxury girl she is she bought an Oven Air fryer and a microwave Jihyw was laughing about it since Lauren was telling

d I remembered that you have one dog and I could tell that you really love him so I told her to just buy some things for your dog because you will appreciate it and I also asked about

are big dogs, Dobermans. They are also the reason why I need to go back so I can take them with me when I came back" Jihye smiled gesturing for her to continue "My Dad bought that for me when I was t

friends with them" Lauren smiled, she can't believe that Jihye is a sweet and understanding girl "Okay

e. She really doesn't want to lie to herself that she's very interested in talking to her sinc

kiss her and make love to her, she really wanted to ask about the honeymoon but she also wants to take everything slow since she doesn't want

e was holding the bigger ones while Lauren is trying to

ven though it's getting heavy and her arms are sore "William can you gather up the remaining gifts in the room?" William nodded and went upstairs as Lauren opened t

ing the car keys from Jihye "Oh, you know she wouldn't let you since she doesn't want you to get really don't know how to whip--ouch, tha

just tell that she's like Jihye's sibling. They weren't stopping to bicker causing Lauren to lau

ybe in my wife's car" Lauren smiled whenever she heard the word her wife. She doesn't know but her heart is fluttering and she feels like Ji

pen mine?" Gabbi asked making her way to Lauren giving her a kiss on the cheeks, this was really their routine and how they greet each other. Gabbie is a guy, muscula

ing her normal dress while Mai is wearing a skirt. Lauren shake her head knowing her friends will tease her already so she decided to just answer them directly since s

mething that will really make her blush and her heart flutter "Aish, stop it. You know, I just agreed on this marriage because I need to fulfill my parent's wish" Lauren said while still looking at Jihye's who's raising her shirt a bit and she saw a glimpse of her abs, and Lauren's mouth instantly watered. She doesn't know but her friends are also looking her way and laughed when they saw Lauren's reacti

inking that you two will fuck well that's not what I'm saying. You know Honeymoon can also consist of roaming around a beautiful city and getting to know more about each other Jihye" Ara said rubbing her shoulder "Yeah I know, but the way you just say it sound so disgusting. I

ided to go first so they could cook the beef and melt the cheese for the nachos." Jihyee nodded and drink her beer, just then Lauren is coming

r sure, she would get jealous knowing Lauren isn't hers completely even though they are married she still thinks that Lauren can do everything that

since they are friends since middle school and you really don't have to worry because he will probably look after your girl when she's in Los Angeles" Jihye sighed in relief. Jihye is reall

te the wedding since it doesn't have any reception like a party or something. It was Lauren's idea since she doesn't want anything t

while Jihye grinned "It's really not that early to grab a drink it's four in the afternoon. You should drink one

aining things that I need to finish in Los Angeles. Are you sure you'll be okay?" Lauren really couldn't help but ask it any time since she really feels sad leaving Jihye right after the wedding. It's not

nt because she knew that her wife needs to fix something and it's work calls. But, all she needs right now is assura

iend I don't have it alright? I don't have anyone since birth and not really planning to now that I'm m

like to text me? Or update me? Uh, I want to know all bout your whereabouts. So, I wouldn't be thinking too much in the evening. I want to know if you're doing okay or not" Then again Lauren's heart fluttered, thi

out for me" Laure

t around Los Angeles. I also promised your Mom and Dowon especially your siblings they are literally throwing daggers at me when they are saying that" Lauren couldn't help

ts" Jihye grinned "But how can we text each other if we're not exchanging numbers

reaction to the contact name that she input. Lauren was very confused at first but dec

iled like a teenager who's in love. She came b

e glass "Oh hey, need a hand?" she asked as t

s feeling right now. All she knows is that she's very happy that maybe Lauren is getting used to it in a bit even though the wedding just ended hours ago. Gabbie and Ara just shake their head, Ara has been telling Gabbie how shipped Jihye is to Laurene and he was clearly shocked by it since La

at each other because still, they can't get over the contact name. While their friends are happily talking while Gia and Megan are grilling the barbeque, Gabbi

interviews. She even listened to Ben's message to Lauren's future spouse which is...her, she's hers a

two of them were models which of course she's very glad to meet them and she has her first guests already when the survival show starts. They also talked about Lauren's friends. The idols learned that Gabbie was working in Lauren's

arted going to school early and that's why she also became a successful girl early and of course, Jihyee was proud ever since then. Jihye's friends couldn't help but coo at the sigh because every tim

thinking about it but planning to have a dance academy soon together with Jihye, while Yujin will pursue her dreams of being a fasion designer, while Mwgan will continue to become a dancer roo. They really wanted to renew their contract but Jihye

Lauren's bodyguard helped her drunk friends to go inside the car so they could rest in the private jet while La

just gathered the important things that she needs and kiss Dohyun's forehead also Daeun's. For the last time, she hugged her Mo

he airport and Jihye helped the bodyguard to take out Lauren's luggage and other things. Jihye look

en said causing Jihye to nod and

looks so sad so she kissed h

nd left while J

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