img Wanting Damien  /  Chapter 5 Five | 29.41%
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Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 734    |    Released on: 06/12/2021

om and she closed t


o me and I get that." The words came t

t soo why would y

u, Raven,

e over me. That's all you miss, I'm guessing your new rel

willing to show you what a brand new man that I am.

am through with your bullshit. I am moving on

old place Raven but you weren't t

ne of your business wh

ve so I can come

for me, I don't want to see you. You remind me of

t mean th

possible, the thought of seeing you again makes me so sick

Raven, I want

ibrated a lot and she decided to turn it off. Life was getting goo

d by saying those words, he k

utine of making food when supper time was finished

laguing her thoughts not that he made

what he was doing, he knew all the words to say

sometimes couldn't sleep because of Dan's call

im, no matter what she tried to do nor tried to

it was two in the morning. She decided to go

until she was done. She out of the kitc


mien standing up from the living room couch, she h

hts were on in there but sh

s and black boxers. She was about to say ev

didn't see

n going on with you l

, "What do you mean?

ul Raven but you have be


ver since you got that call you have been acting s

I can think about ever since I got that

Damien replied as he pulled her into his

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