img IS THIS JUST FANTASY  /  Chapter 4 She fainted | 25.00%
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Chapter 4 She fainted

Word Count: 711    |    Released on: 16/11/2021

she fluttered her eyes open and met the eyes

you were going to be employed by the vixen company as a car designer. You were going to be given thirty mil

at up to Alice who was

nutes and your already saying you dreamt? Get up

ood up keeping the wet t

I wasn't


culous Sam. You l

said l

I need to t

pating the sea

nd sat down fa

that so you dont have to work yourself out ok. Are you really sure you

tha s


e gr

really dreamt of this and it is my aspiration


rt. Anything fo

hugged her daugh

bout him and move on and forget him. Dont cry over him anymore le

er who was shedding tear

re and finish the deal

d stood up as Al

ating room an Aurora apolog

d to keep your identity anonymous. And when you report to w

th mother and daughter after

ke good care of her whe

d mr Sanchez retur

y first ever robot car which I build when I was three. I pro

e of

ill be my pleasure


Your all scewed now that I've

ctory over his enemy company which was cu

llow me to

hez and samantha both

s called the SAMAL01 its engine is the greatest I've build so far. This is

pro showing off the rob

es. Its slick and has an attractive Condour. I bet most busi

them a sleek blue c

is is inc

ez yelle

This is the latest jeep I finis

plaining to her new b

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