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Mated by mistake

Mated by mistake

Author: N Chandra
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Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 594    |    Released on: 16/07/2021

They used to be so full of love, once upon a time. But today they were like black pools on nothin

salie. You know that I didn't have a choice

n. I wiped off the stubborn tears. I knew the rules, an Alpha could only be mated to an Alpha or a high ranking Beta if the need ar

re futile I continue

and dreams, everything was gone in a b

to reject me. Chris stared at me. His

ned a little, as he tri

read my though

you." He whispered. He came near me, I took a step back to keep our

e difficult." I was furious, hurt, and broken. "And ple

further and hugged me. I didn't have the energy to resist him anymore. I rested my he

way. I cannot take you as my mate. I would have

as rejecting me I would have to accept the rejection. Even i

face. His hand had snaked around in my hair and his lips had reached my cheeks. H


ed and appalled. "Riri..

ore mates. You can't touch me, Chris Rey

an to hurt y

our rejection, alpha Chris." I said and bowed. He stared at me

tore and scattered as I shifted into my silver-white wolf. I r

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