img Unconsummated Fire  /  Chapter 5 David Smith | 12.50%
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Chapter 5 David Smith

Word Count: 797    |    Released on: 25/05/2021


n as she was about continuing her s

d to come down for dinner

d Mercy to continue bu

insisted you came wit

lowing orders. I looked back at Marcy and asked her to come with me, she agreed and went out. I asked her to continue but she signalled to me showing the other maid

and shook his head a

e. For you to forgive me, ask me anything a

I asked

omise. ”H

tell you that thank you very much

e what do you w

our graduation congregation in tw

y you will be go

rom today.

oint you but I have plans

want to do after that you can ex

now. ” he said eating his meal and avoiding my eyes. I knew

else please Daddy. ”I

untry in two days and you mustn't g

ed it I thought it was one of the few people my father allowed their calls to my phone. And I wasn't ready to speak to any of them b

this?” I aske

me E

o Emily Kelvin do you kno

ange his first name? Because I know him to be David no


attention, what do you

meet you tomorrow so we can d

ou been sent to destroy the relationship bet

I'm not wrong. I know your family too, your father being Davi

y Father's first name isn't David but Kelvin. I t

you tomorrow okay? Do you remembe

I could hold on to anything, then it became obvious to me that something was missing and it m

try to see you tomorr

out to t

his number blocked on my phone afterwards. I couldn't unblock it no matter what and it would be our last co

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