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Defeated By Love

Defeated By Love

Author: Jay Crawley
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Chapter 1 I

Word Count: 600    |    Released on: 27/03/2021

that haun

lip my feet into my favourite bunny face slippers and wiggle my toes enjoying the softness and warmth. A shrilling scream breaks through the house and it causes me to jump in fright with an uneasy feeling washing over me. I quickly leave the room and search for mum I didn’t have to walk very far because she’s standing outside Celeste’s room. Celeste was only down the hall from me which was awesome because I knew she was never too far to run to when the nightmares were unbearable. Truth be told... I sometimes faked the nightmares because she gave the best hugs mum and dad aren’t really the hugging kind of people. I get to Celeste’s room and pop my head

d girl. Now, look

CSI programmes to understand that my sister has taken her life... Not realising she’s taken mine with her. The life I had... is gone, the days we shared were numbered and I didn’t know. A secret she chose to k

get a hold of yoursel

ort as the blackness starts to claim me and I gladly accept it’s intrusion. Hoping to wake up from the nightmare that will soon be an

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