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The Agent's Bad Boy

The Agent's Bad Boy

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Chapter 1 The Day he annoyed her

Word Count: 1416    |    Released on: 15/03/2021

ean the shipme

kout session. The term workout in his schedule me

to mess with her." His right-hand man Darko answere

it, I'll take care of her. You just run another sh

r his love of women took anothe

er and convinced

their families until they succumbed to his wishes. Though with the cur

shin brothers how do you

him find his way back home. Just make sure he stays alive I want him to tell h

egor silenced him as his phone

ng kis

hat." Karla, the drug busting agent sa

deny it. So, dinner...where

ment. Dinner should be the last

at you're talking about." He chuckled

rs is better for saying sweet l


e bit. He sounded like he always does, calm and too rela

told her to keep it on the down-low. Because apparently, three shipments ful

ing to hear what he'd say about it. She was hoping that he would lash

gpin relaxed and let out a sexy deep ch

hating that he has that

best year she had in celebration of the bust that she lead that afternoo

his hand to Darko silently telling him to carry on with hi

u wearing?" His voice

being irritated because deep down she was w

come on... I'

o end the call, she didn't like wasting time talking to him. She knew t

greeted her fat cat Gus and professed her

uickly, some might say tha

s and she smirked while caressi

other end as she ended her call abruptly. At l

with me and tell m

le Gus followed her to the bathroom. The lights were dimmed an

m. She poured her wine and set the bottle to the little corner tab

when she runs her fingers to his soft and thick fur. The fat ca

s one step further to become the infamous cat lady.

she drinks her wine. Fat Gus was loving the attention as she kept on caressi

room door, especially when that someone was the most w


to her bathtub. She put her wine glass and got up from the tub,

e a heart attack! What the hell are yo

then pick up her fat cat and kis

kisses. Then She put Gus on the floor and shoo him away to the opening of

yes. Then he snapped when she swiftly took her gun

om her hand and pushed her body and

oyance. He still couldn't believe that he risked being caught just

remain calm but his body s

t he was about to put a bullet on her man. But he did not exp

en he slipped his hand and

n seconds, while he trailed his

were off the counter and

so fucking s

you tell that to

to his charms. And he was mad that she'd thought tha

d him hungrily. Karla was closing in on her climax and was about to come wh

n it! I'm o

holds her be

dy and so fucking c

ut for now..." he smirked then told her

ell when she was left alone mom



Chapter 1 The Day he annoyed her Chapter 2 The day they both met Chapter 3 The day she went on a date Chapter 4 The day they both wanted it Chapter 5 The day he cursed Chapter 6 The day he gets her high. Repeatedly.
Chapter 7 The day she was at his
Chapter 8 The day they got jealous
Chapter 9 The day she pulled the trigger
Chapter 10 The day she was watched
Chapter 11 The day she met the new neighbor
Chapter 12 The day he questioned her
Chapter 13 The day she was back at it
Chapter 14 The day they went away
Chapter 15 The day they were nice to each other
Chapter 16 The day they were at the vineyard
Chapter 17 The day Yegor delivers
Chapter 18 The day it went down
Chapter 19 The day he stayed with her
Chapter 20 The day they were a couple
Chapter 21 The day Darko despised Yegor
Chapter 22 The day Darko save Zasha
Chapter 23 The day Yegor was held responsible
Chapter 24 The day the Albanian feels
Chapter 25 The day she calmed him down
Chapter 26 The day she decided to stay
Chapter 27 The day she met the Albanian
Chapter 28 The day she was planned to go
Chapter 29 The day when Darko gone rogue
Chapter 30 The day Yegor has another brother
Chapter 31 The day she talked to the fiance
Chapter 32 The day kiska went missing
Chapter 33 The day Yegor lost his cool
Chapter 34 The day The Albanian was busy
Chapter 35 The day she loves him
Chapter 36 The day she's feeling better
Chapter 37 The day they had dinner
Chapter 38 The day they made love
Chapter 39 The day when she first arrived
Chapter 40 The day he finds out
Chapter 41 The day she punches baby daddy
Chapter 42 The day they made plans
Chapter 43 The day she came home
Chapter 44 The day she finds out
Chapter 45 The day he made a promise
Chapter 46 The day the Albanian decided to help
Chapter 47 Epilogue
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