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Chasing His Muse

Chasing His Muse

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Chapter 1 My Own Mistake

Word Count: 1150    |    Released on: 13/01/2021

it was not my fault that I didn't get pregnant. It had been three years n

chool, then we separated because we went to a different college. Then we reunited at our

you by now. Just leave me alone! I'm so fucking upset with you right

k in a plane crash. Since then, I had been independent and on my own, until I met

elf to be a full-time mom. I was happy, I

rom my parents' inheritance, I a

ollin please, don't be upset with me. We will t

d we will try again, cause I'm that good of a husband to you. Now go!"

h went to a doctor to get checked out and see what our options were. But he went

. Told me that I was not a real wife, because I couldn't eve

month. After my period ended he would fuck me every day, but never pleased me anymore. He would come inside me and leav

in our bed. I confronted him and yelled at him. But he just shrugg

pieces. How could it turn to this? We were

. By the next month, I became addicted to it. While Collin was

women, and came inside me afterward with his cum. Once he even made me watched him fucked anot

ing and moaning. Making me drink and con

because of the pills. He laughed at me and told me I was a bad wife, that couldn't even please

Until one day I decided to end my life, and co

next day in a hospital. Collin was by my side, he was putting his game face on. Looking sad, and

was such a failure, I couldn't even kill myself. I j

e honey, I'm not leaving you. It's you, that makes yourself leave me. You're a failure, you can't even be a good wife, and t

kissed the top of my head when he saw

here is in a good condition already for her transfer. I don't think, there would be any problem. If you could follow me,

im parade all his women around the house, and belittle me. Maybe I could be happy there, m

't even manage one person, that I love deeply before. How could I even get better? I

nyway. Not like I could do anything about it. Not like I wanted to

what I was, despite all the people

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