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Chapter 4 The After Date

Word Count: 1027    |    Released on: 09/01/2021


ckeningly sweet, but she was also all over

annoying coffee order. I didn't know anymore, but what I do know was that the wh

nviting me in for coffee and obviously something more. I haven't had sex in m

n h

se for me to do so..." I was babbling on her porch while she was

ace back to the car. I sighed in relief, as I got into my car and drive off to the main road. An hour

ing the conversation, but again I

, it's another disaster. I need to

mbs up for closing the shop for me. I would do this after my

le. But then the shower turned into me stroking myself while envisioning Amanda. I didn't get what I was envisioning when I only saw h

s going to be

t I kept on reading the same page ten minutes later, I couldn't seem to focus. I finally gave up and try to rest my eyes, I toss and turn a

n she was telling me about what they did today and how Mable was

ly give one of them a chance. It's still eleven, you wanna come by and brew us your fre

y...I'll be just fine..." I let out a laugh and we talk some more before I promised to go


cocoa powder, and my special blend coffee beans for Angie and obviously Amanda hopeful

you go pick

half-dressed, her hair was still all over, her face was makeup-free. She was still in her short sho

not g

is is dangerous..." I quickly said as I finally

she bit her lip. That action alone made me want to

ck! No

ur sister best friend, things c

yourself huh Dale? Y

Amanda, let him in, will you... he's bringing his special brew. I know you're goi

oin us when you're done." I move past her, I could smell her floral scent i

his is

it over her beautiful upper body. I sighed as the view no long

scolded me for staring at

en I start to stare at her again when she was smelling my special blend coffee powder. It was like watching

g to be a lo

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