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The Princess And The Paupers

The Princess And The Paupers

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Arabella spent 18 years thinking she was a member of the wealthy Murphy family, only to discover she was a fake rich girl. When the real heiress returned, Arabella was cast aside and sent back to her poor hometown. But fate had other plans for her, as she soon discovered that her hometown was actually the most exclusive villa area in the country. In a single night, Arabella went from a modestly wealthy girl to the true heiress of a top-tier elite family. Her biological parents showered her with love, handing her millions of dollars in pocket money, providing access to any car from their fleet, and letting her buy anything from the world’s top designers. As for school, the best institutions were at her fingertips, and if she didn’t feel like studying, she could play with the family company.

Chapter 1 Sisterhood Betrayed

As the nanny served the last dish, Attlee placed a slice of steak onto Arabella’s plate.

“This might be the last time we have dinner together… Can’t believe your biological parents are taking you back so soon…”

His voice was full of regret. He thought of his illness three months ago. He needed a blood transfusion urgently, and Arabella discovered, while giving him blood, that they weren’t related by blood.

The news shocked the entire family.

After recovering, Attlee managed to find his actual daughter-Yolanda Murphy, after much effort.

And Arabella… This child with no blood relation to him….

The Murphys posted information online about Arabella’s search for her birth parents. Yesterday, someone called saying they were Arabella’s real mother, and they were going to take her away today.

“The nanny made all your favorite dishes today…” Attlee said, feeling a knot in his stomach. “Eat up, you’re going to your biological parents’ place today, who knows what the situation will be like…”

From yesterday’s call, Attlee found out that Arabella’s real parents were currently unemployed, and they lived in Willow Creek.

That place was one of the most backward and poorest areas in the country! If she went there, she would never have the chance to enjoy the delicacies the Murphys cooked again!

Arabella, sitting at the table, her eyes clear as if seeing his worries, calmly put down her fork and knife, and simply said, “I’m full.”

She rose and left, her figure firm and nonchalant, as if she had no attachment to this home.

Attlee’s wife, Olga, was immediately upset upon hearing this, complaining, “Stop spoiling that child! She doesn’t appreciate all this food. Once she lives with her real parents, she’ll know how hard life can be and how good she had it here!”

“Mum, don’t get upset. I’m sure my sister doesn’t want to go back either. She must be feeling awful right now…”

The one speaking was Yolanda, who had returned to the Murphy family a month ago. Yesterday she overheard her parents’ conversation and found out that Arabella’s biological parents were extremely poor. They had no jobs, five unmarried sons at home, and even an old lady who was ill and needed care.

The burden they were under was unimaginable!

Feeling extremely lucky, Yolanda got up and said, “I’ll go check on her.”

At the dining table, Attlee shot Olga a reproachful look. “Why so much resentment? Bella is our child too!”

Olga scoffed, “Whenever I think about how we’ve been treating this child like a treasure all these years, while Yoli suffered outside, I feel heartbroken…”

Arabella walked into the living room, picked up her backpack from the couch, ready to leave this home.

Yolanda quickly followed, “Arabella, my wedding with Zachary is on the first of October, you’ll come, right?”

Her eyes were full of anticipation, but there was a hint of pride and bragging in her voice. Everyone knew that the children of the Murphys and the Panters were getting married. If Yolanda hadn’t been found by Attlee, Arabella would’ve been the one getting engaged to Zachary.

“Zachary is really a great guy, he’s been so good to me. If my parents hadn’t found me, you would have been the one getting engaged to him, sis! You’re not going to hold a grudge about this, are you?”

Arabella laughed lightly. “Thanks to you, that worthless man found where he belongs.”

Excuse me? What??

“I was planning to throw him out like trash, but I didn’t expect someone to have picked up that ‘garbage’ so soon.”

“You, you…” Yolanda was about to lose her temper, but when she saw a certain figure, she immediately turned into an injured bunny, her eyes red.

Olga walked into the living room and saw this scene, fuming, “Arabella! How could you talk to your sister like that? Are you out of your mind?”

“Out of my mind?” Arabella laughed. “I think the one who’s out of their mind is you. And not only that, you’re blind too. Maybe you should get your eyes checked?”

Arabella thought to herself, Olga had been living with this pretentious woman for a month and still hadn’t seen her true colors. What terrible judgment!

“You…” Olga was shaking with anger.

“Bella, I want to give you my favorite necklace that my parents gave me. After all, we’re sisters, and now that we’re parting, who knows when we’ll see each other again…” Yolanda decided to forget past grudges. She ran forwards to grab Arabella, but just as her hand touched Arabella’s backpack…

In the next second, something unexpected happened.

A ruby necklace actually fell out of Arabella’s backpack!

When everyone saw this, they couldn’t believe their eyes.

Yolanda covered her mouth, “How is this possible…”

How could the ruby necklace she wanted to give her sister fall out of her sister’s backpack??

Arabella smiled lightly, seeing right away that she was trying to frame her for theft.

“How did Yoli’s necklace end up in your bag?” Olga couldn’t believe her eyes, she urgently called, “Attlee, come see this! Arabella is about to leave, but she seems to have stolen Yoli’s necklace! I can’t believe the daughter we raised for so many years is a thief!”

Attlee rushed over, looking dumbfounded, and asked, “What’s going on?”

“It’s cool…” Yolanda hurriedly smoothed things over and said understandingly, “I was going to give this necklace to my sister anyway. Whether I personally give it to her or she grabs it from me, it’s all the same!”

“How is that the same? She took your necklace without your permission – that’s stealing!” Olga was livid. “Arabella, how could you do something like this?!”

The surrounding nannies couldn’t help but chime in, “Miss, you’re too kindhearted! This necklace is worth ten grand!”

“This was designed specifically for you by your parents’ personal designer! It’s one of its kind in the whole world!”

“And it even has your name engraved on it!”

“This is your favorite piece of jewelry, and she nearly nicked it, yet you’re not even blaming her…”

Yolanda, hearing the praise around her, feigned a knowing look and explained, “She needs this necklace more than I do!” Those around her couldn’t help but sing her praises, and comparisons were made between her and Arabella. They all felt even more that Yolanda outshone Arabella in every aspect!

Apart from Arabella being a tad prettier, she really couldn’t hold a candle to Yolanda in other areas!

Olga took the necklace from Yolanda’s hand, her heart aching, and said, “You naive child, once she goes back to her family, they’ll be like a bottomless pit, sucking up all her wealth. Even if you gave her ten ruby necklaces, they still wouldn’t be satisfied!”

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