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Back to 1990 Chinese Drama & Hot Episodes | Short Drama Review

Book Review 2024-04-26 18:31:21 16

Back to 1990 Chinese Drama & Hot Episodes | Short Drama Review

Step into the emotional drama of "Back to 1990." Follow Jaxton's poignant journey as he is granted a second chance at life. Reborn with a heavy burden of remorse, he is resolute in his commitment to safeguard his family from the tragedies that befell them before.

Haunted by the heartbreaking events of his previous existence, where his wife Madelynn, driven to desperation by his gambling addiction, chose a devastating end for herself and their child, Jaxton now carries the weight of past mistakes.

Leveraging wisdom gained from his former life, Jaxton navigates the complexities of the marketplace to amass great wealth. Armed with a newfound determination to protect those he holds dear, he embarks on a mission to forge a future devoid of sorrow and filled with purpose. Join us as we delve into a tale of redemption, resilience, and the pursuit of a life lived without the shackles of regret. 🌟

Part 1: You may also like novels of the same type as "Back to 1990"

Part 2: Plot of Back to 1990

Part 3: Main Characters in Back to 1990

Part 4: The most popular chapters of Back to 1990

Part 1: You may also like novels of the same type as "Back to 1990"

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Part 2: Plot of Back to 1990

Upon rebirth, Jaxton was riddled with guilt and vowed to protect his family this time around. 💔

In Jaxton's previous life, his wife Madelynn, driven to despair by his ruinous gambling habits, tragically took her own life along with their daughter. 😢

This time around, drawing from his extensive experience in the marketplace of his past life, Jaxton amasses immense wealth. 💼

Determined to shield his loved ones, he aims to live without regrets. 🔒

Part 3: Main Characters in Back to 1990

Male (Jaxton): Following his rebirth, Jaxton is burdened with guilt and is determined to safeguard his family in this new life.

Female (Madelynn): In Jaxton's prior existence, Madelynn, his wife, driven to despair by his destructive gambling addiction, sadly ended her life along with their daughter.

In his current life, leveraging his knowledge from past business dealings, Jaxton accumulates significant riches. With a resolve to protect his dear ones, he strives to lead a life free of remorse.

Part 4: The most popular chapters of Back to 1990

Back to 1990 Chapter 1 A Vicious Plot

"Alvaro, leave the clothes. You don't have to do the laundry anymore. It's your birthday today. I have cooked a delicious feast for you. Let's have it together," Donna Douglas urged with a smile.

Alvaro Clifford was washing the clothes in the bathroom. A startled gasp escaped his lips, for he couldn't believe his ears.

He turned and saw Donna smiling at him. She was a charming woman in her forties. "Mom..." he trailed off in a tremulous voice. "Are you serious?"

Ever since Alvaro became Donna's son-in-law, he had been living with her family, performing household chores as servants did.

He served everyone and attended to his mother-in-law's needs, only to get abused by the entire family.

His wife, Carmela Douglas, had always been indifferent toward him. She didn't even let him lay a finger on her in the past five years. Although they shared the same bedroom, she would make him sleep on the floor.

Five long, daunting years had passed in the blink of an eye. Alvaro succumbed to their torture and eventually became numb.

He had thought of divorcing Carmela and fighting back. But he endured everything only for Carmela's grandfather, Emilio Douglas, who raised him. If not for him, Alvaro wouldn't be alive now.

He didn't know how else to repay his kindness.

Emilio had saved his life. Alvaro felt the injustice he felt was nothing compared to what Carmela's grandfather did for him.

Being accustomed to all the torture, he was shocked to hear Donna's kind words.

"You are my son-in-law; Carmela's husband. We are family." Donna's smile widened.

Alvaro grew emotional. "Okay. You wait for me at the table. I will come as soon as I finish."

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Back to 1990 Chapter 2 I Can Save Him

At the Douglas family's residence

After celebrating Alvaro's departure, the three women called Emilio. They decided to exaggerate the issue to make him hate Alvaro. After all, they had pictures to prove their statement.

The phone rang, and Emilio immediately answered the call.

He was about to have some rest when he received a call from his granddaughter. His face turned livid when he heard the accusation.

"You... Are you telling the truth?"

"Yes, Grandpa. I was shocked as you are. I never thought Alvaro would do such a despicable thing. I mean, he looked like a decent guy. We are scared of him. I hope you won't possibly keep him after everything..."

"Enough! I know Alvaro very well. He would never do such a thing! You must have added something to his drink," Emilio cut her off angrily.

Carmela flinched back in fear when she heard his loud, resonant voice. "What are you saying, Grandpa? How could we..."

"Shut up! No matter what happens, Alvaro is family. You have always picked on him and never regarded him as a family member from the day I brought him home. I have talked to you several times about it. But you never listened to me once. Enough is enough! Maybe leaving is the best choice for him..."

Emilio was both furious and dejected. Finally, he hung up the phone and slumped on the sofa, rubbing his temples. "What do I tell her if she comes to me and asks about him?"

"What happened, Carmela? What did Grandpa say?" Donna looked at her expectantly.

Carmela rolled her eyes and repeated what Emilio told her.

Donna snorted with disdain. "I don't understand why your Grandpa is always partial toward him. Alvaro is an orphan. He would have starved to death if we didn't bring him home. I understand that. But he is a grown man now. He should have self-respect and start supporting himself instead of depending on us for everything."

"It doesn't matter," Carmela snapped coldly. "I have enough evidence. I will divorce him for sure."

Aaliyah walked up to her sister and snickered. "Carmela, should I ask Jayden to arrange for some men to teach Alvaro a lesson? They will warn him and make sure he stays away from our family."

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Back to 1990 Chapter 3 Suspicion

The black mist disappeared when Alvaro slapped Fernando's forehead.

He breathed a sigh of relief. His guess was right. His idea had worked.

But Bella grew furious; her pretty face turned scarlet. She was about to have a mental breakdown.

Her father's unfortunate state had already shattered her, and now Alvaro slapped his forehead, which was disrespectful. She felt he was a lunatic.

"Take him away!" Bella snapped.

The two bodyguards bolted inside and caught Alvaro's arms from either side.

Bella slapped him across his face.

"Why? Why did you insult my father even after his death?" she demanded through gritted teeth.

Alvaro clamped his throbbing cheek.

But he was not angry because Bella's outrage was reasonable. No one would watch a stranger slap their lifeless father.

"Mr. Brown is not dead," said Alvaro.

Bella frowned and turned around to look at her father. He was still lying motionlessly on the bed.

His eyes were closed, and his face was paler than before. He bore no signs of life.

"You are going to jail!" Bella spat viciously.

She regretted saving Alvaro's life, for he insulted his father.

She helped him out of kindness and didn't expect a stranger would disrespect her father for that.

Magnus looked at Alvaro with disdain. "I may not be the best doctor in the world, but I have enough experience to know there is no cure for Mr. Brown's illness. As sad as it is, this is the reality. You cannot bring a dead man to life."

Alvaro didn't bother justifying himself.

He looked like a criminal before Magnus and Bella. They didn't know he was quiet because he had no explanation to offer.

Alvaro felt something had changed within him since the car accident and the weird dream he had. But he couldn't tell what it was.

Soon, the blaring of police sirens followed by the clattering of shoes caught their attention.

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